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Add policies to policy sets using the administrative console

Use the administrative console to add policies to policy sets. Adding and configuring policies to a policy set further defines the rules governing the policy set.

Before adding a policy to a policy set, check that it is not listed as disabled in the Policies table. A disabled policy can be listed for the policy set and only need to be enabled to be included in the policy set. If this is the case, the policy does not need to be added and it is not available to be added.

All policies are initially set to their default values. These values can be edited and the attributes changed using the administrative console.


  1. Click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets > policy_set_name or Services > Policy sets > System policy sets > policy_set_name. This displays a listing of available policies in the Policies table for the policy set selected. If we created a new policy set and did not copy and rename an existing policy set, this table might contain no policies and we must add them.

  2. Add a policy. To add a policy not listed in the Policies table of the Policy set settings page, click the Add drop down button. This button displays a list of available policies that are not already listed in the Policies table and therefore not included in the policy set.

  3. Click the policy to be added. The selected policy is added to the Policies table. Each policy we add has default settings that can be modified.

After we have added a policy, it is then included in the policy set.


If we were working on policy set ABC_ps (created and it therefore has no policies associated with it) we would click the ABC_ps name in the Policy Sets collection and then click the Add button in the Policies table on the Policy set settings window. The drop down list displays all available policies for you to choose from. We might decide we want to include the WS-Addressing and WS-Security policies for this policy set. We would select each of those from the list. Then, click the policy name in the table to edit the properties of these policies.

What to do next

If the modified policy set is an attached policy set, restart all affected applications to apply the changes. If the policy set is unattached, then no further action is required.

  • Deleting policies from policy sets
  • Enable policies for policy sets
  • Disable policies from policy sets
  • Web services policies
  • Create policy set attachments
  • Application policy sets collection
  • Application policy set settings