Application policy sets collection
Manage policy sets. Create, copy, export, and import policy sets. We can also view or delete existing policy sets. Use policy sets, or assertions that define services, to simplify the web services configuration because policy sets group security and other web services settings into reusable units.
From the admin console, click...
Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets
Depending on the assigned security role when security is enabled, we might not have access to text entry fields or buttons to create or edit configuration data. Review the administrative roles documentation to learn more about the valid roles for the application server.
List of available policy sets. Click a policy set name to access the details panel for that policy set. Use the buttons on the page to create a new policy set or manage the existing policy sets. We can also import a policy set to display in the list of available policy sets.
The following list of buttons are available for creating and managing policy sets:
Button Resulting action New Creates a new policy set. This option opens an empty policy set and allows us to provide additional details, such as the name, description, and policy configuration options. Delete Removes the selected policy set. Copy Creates a copy of the policy set that is selected from a list. After creating a copy, we can provide a name and a description for the copy. We must also specify whether to transfer attachments and binding information, where these options are available, from the original to the copy. Import Import a policy set. This is a menu item with the option of importing a policy set from a default repository or a selected location. We can select and import the default policy sets from the default repository. The default repository for the import function in the administrative console is the directory containing the default policy sets. Initially, a subset of pre-configured policy sets are exposed. However, there are other default policy sets available to import when we select Import > From Default Repository. The administrative console also displays the default policy sets in a list that includes descriptions, we can use to select the policy set to import. Export Export the selected policy set to an archive file.
This column shows whether the policy set is a user-defined, custom policy set that can be edited or whether the policy set is a default policy set that is not editable.
Values displayed in this field are Editable or Not editable. Even though a policy set is identified as not editable, it is deletable. For example, we cannot edit information for the default system policy set, but we can delete the policy set. We can change the properties for a default, not editable policy set by copying it, and then modifying the properties of the copy. For more information on modifying a default policy set, see copy of default policy set and bindings settings document.
Information Value Data type: String Default: Not editable
Provides a brief description of the application policy sets that currently exist. We cannot edit information for the default application policy sets; however, we can delete the policy sets. The list of contained policies for each policy set that it relates to are displayed in the Name column. The contained policies displayed are only those enabled. From this panel, the field is not editable.
For custom policy sets that we create or modify, we can edit this description when we create or customize policy sets on the details panel. The description is the same one entered in the Description field when we created that policy set. The included and enabled policies appear on the screen followed by a bulleted list of the key attributes of the policy set.
Web services policy sets Manage policy sets Copy of default policy set and bindings settings Application policy set settings Administrative roles