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Update business-level applications

We can update business-level applications by deleting or changing composition units, or by mapping composition units to different deployment targets.

Determine the changes to make to the application. Also, determine whether the changed application can run on the deployment targets.

The administrative console Server pages show the versions for deployment targets.

To change a composition unit containing an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) asset, see information about modifying the configuration of EBA assets.

Update consists of adding new composition units to an application, replacing or removing composition units, or mapping composition units to different deployment targets.

We can add an asset or shared library composition unit to multiple business-level applications. However, each composition unit for the same asset must have a unique composition unit name. We can add a business-level application composition unit to more than one business-level application.

This topic describes how to update business-level applications using the administrative console. Alternatively, we can use wsadmin.sh.


What to do next

Save the changes to the administrative configuration.

When saving the configuration, synchronize the configuration with the nodes where the application is expected to run.


  • Installable enterprise module versions
  • Import assets
  • Update assets
  • Deploy and administering business-level applications
  • Modify the configuration of an EBA asset
  • Server collection
  • Business-level application settings
  • Add composition unit settings
  • Set options settings
  • Map target settings
  • Composition unit settings