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Composition unit settings

View composition unit settings and to change the configuration properties of a composition unit. The specific settings available for configuration can vary, depending upon the contents of the composition unit. For example, there are additional configuration settings if the asset contained in the composition uni is an OSGi application.

From the admin console, click...

        Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name > deployed_asset_name. The deployed asset is a composition unit of the business-level application.

Sets that are common to all composition units


Logical name for the composition unit. We cannot change the name on this page.


Description for the composition unit.

Backing ID

Unique identifier for a composition unit registered in the application management domain.

The identifier has the format WebSphere:unit_typename=unit_name. For example, for the MyApp.jar asset, the backing identifier might be WebSphere:assetname=MyApp.jar.

We cannot change the identifier on this page.

Information Value
Data type String
Units Configuration unit identifier

Starting weight

Order in which composition units are started when the server starts. The starting weight is like the startup order. The composition unit with the lowest starting weight is started first.

The value that we set for Starting weight determines the importance or weight of a composition unit within the business level application. For example, for the most important composition unit within a business-level application, specify 1 for Starting weight. For the next most important composition unit within the business-level application, specify 2 for Starting weight, and so on.

Assign composition units upon which other composition units depend a lower starting weight than the dependent composition units. If a composition unit is not started and running before its dependent composition units, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException errors might result when we attempt to start the application or its modules.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 1
Range 0 to 2147483647

Start on distribution

Specifies whether to start the composition unit when the product distributes the composition unit to other locations.

The default is not to start the composition unit.

This setting applies to asset or shared library composition units. This setting does not apply when the composition unit is a business-level application.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default false

Recycle behavior on update

Specifies whether the product restarts the composition unit after the composition unit is updated.

The default is to restart the composition unit after partial updating of the composition unit.

This setting applies to asset or shared library composition units. This setting does not apply when the composition unit is a business-level application.

Option Description
ALL Restarts the composition unit after the entire composition unit is updated
DEFAULT Restarts the composition unit after the part of the composition unit is updated
NONE Does not restart the composition unit after the composition unit is updated

Target mapping

Current targets for the composition unit.

To change the deployment targets, click Modify targets then select a different set of deployment targets from the list of available clusters and servers.

When we change the deployment target of composition units in a business-level application, the startup order changes to the same order in which you remap composition unit targets, even if the starting weight for all composition units is set to 1. To avoid java.lang.ClassNotFoundException errors when attempting to start the remapped composition units, remap targets for composition units in the same order as that used to add the composition units or, after remapping, check starting weights to ensure that composition units upon which other composition units depend are started first.

Additional composition unit settings for OSGi applications

OSGi application deployment status

The deployment status shows whether updates are available for the EBA asset contained in the composition unit. If a new version of an EBA asset is available, and all bundle downloads for the asset are complete, we can update the EBA composition unit so that the business-level application uses the latest configuration. We do not have to update the composition unit every time you update the asset.

There are four distinct deployment statuses for an EBA composition unit:

Use latest OSGi application deployment.

The composition unit is running the latest configuration of the backing asset and any CBA extensions.

New OSGi application deployment not yet available because it requires bundles that are still downloading.

The backing asset is currently undergoing a bundle version update, or bundles are downloading for a CBA extension.

New OSGi application deployment available.

The backing asset is available at a newer configuration than the configuration that is currently running in this composition unit, or a CBA extension has been added or replaced.

New OSGi application deployment cannot be applied because bundle downloads have failed.

The last bundle version update for the backing asset or CBA extension did not succeed, and therefore the newer configuration is not yet available.

If the status is "New OSGi application deployment available", the Update to latest deployment ... button is available. Click this button to bring the EBA composition unit up-to-date and run the updated business-level application. If any of the updates need configuration changes, a wizard prompts you to update the configuration information.

When we save the changes to the EBA composition unit, the associated business-level application is updated to use the new configuration. If the business-level application is running, the bundle and configuration updates are applied immediately. If possible (that is, depending on the nature of the updates) the system applies the updates without restarting the application. Updates that pull in new use bundles at run time prompt a full restart of the application. Updates that pull in new provision bundles might also prompt a full application restart.


  • Business-level applications
  • Create business-level applications
  • Business-level application collection
  • Map target settings
  • Relationship options settings