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Update assets

Use the Update asset wizard to update classes, composites, wsdl, xsd, and definitions.xml files in an asset.

Import one or more assets. The file name of each deployable object in the imported assets is shown on the list of assets on the administrative console Assets page.

We can update all or part of the contents of assets in the product management domain. Complete the steps in the Procedure to update an asset using the administrative console Update asset wizard. Alternatively, we can update assets using programming or wsadmin.sh.


  1. Go to the Update asset wizard.

    1. Click Applications > Application Types > Assets to access the Assets page.

    2. Select the check box next to the asset to update.

    3. Click Update.

  2. On the Update asset page, specify whether we want replace an entire asset or update its contents and, as needed, the replacement file or module.

    1. Select an update option.

      We can update asset contents by adding, deleting, or updating a single file or module in the asset, or by merging multiple files or modules. Update options include the following:

      • Replace entire asset

      • Replace specific asset contents

      • Add module or file to asset

      • Remove file or module from asset

      • Merge asset contents

      The online help for the Update asset page describes the options.

    2. If we are updating specific asset contents or removing a file or module, specify the path beginning with the asset archive file.

      For Path beginning with the asset archive file, specify a relative path to the file that starts from the root of the asset file. For example, if the file is located at com/company/greeting.class in module hello.jar, specify a relative path of hello.jar/com/company/greeting.class.

    3. If we are updating the entire asset, updating an asset file or module, or merging asset contents, specify the full path name of the new file or module.

    4. Click Next.

  3. On the Select options for updating an asset page, specify asset settings and click Next.

    The online help for the Select options for importing an asset page describes the settings.

  4. On the Summary page, click Finish.

If we update an asset packaged as a library JAR file that is not a Java EE archive, then the product automatically distributes the updated asset to all of the composition units that use the asset.

However, if you update a Java EE asset, then the product does not automatically distribute the updated Java EE archive to composition units created from that asset, which are Java EE applications. We must select every Java EE application created from that asset and use the Update button to update the Java EE application individually by specifying the update contents.

What to do next

Create a business-level application and add the asset to the business-level application.



  • Assets
  • Manage assets
  • Upload asset settings
  • Asset collection
  • Asset settings