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Install IBM MQ to interoperate with WAS

When we install a new IBM MQ network, we can tune the installation for working with WebSphere Application Server. If we have an established IBM MQ network, we can choose whether to modify some of the settings for better interoperation.

This topic provides installation instructions for setting up a new IBM MQ installation to interoperate with WAS. If we have an established IBM MQ network, treat this task as a source of tips to tune our existing IBM MQ installation.


  1. [In IBM MQ] Install a supported version of IBM MQ, as described in the installation instructions provided with IBM MQ.

    To identify the supported version of IBM MQ, see the following article: Detailed system requirements page.

    We can not install Rational Application Developer and WAS on the same machine when using IBM MQ.

    See the following for other installation prerequisites of different IBM MQ releases:

  2. [In IBM MQ] Follow the IBM MQ instructions for verifying the installation setup. We can verify the server installation either using the command line or using the postcard application.

  3. [In WAS and IBM MQ] Configure WAS and IBM MQ to interoperate effectively.

    For more information, see Connect WAS to IBM MQ .

  4. Optional: (AIX) [In IBM MQ] Run the dltmqlnk IBM MQ control command.

    If the application server is 64 bit, run the dltmqlnk IBM MQ control command as root before applications are able to connect to a queue manager using a BINDINGS transport type. The command must be rerun each time an IBM MQ fix pack is installed. See Implications of a 64-bit queue manager section of the IBM MQ product information.

    This step applies to releases that are earlier than IBM MQ version 7.1. For more information, see UNIX and Linux: crtmqlnk and dltmqlnk removed and UNIX and Linux :/usr symbolic links removed.

  5. [In WAS] Configure the IBM MQ messaging provider with native libraries information.

    To connect to an IBM MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group in bindings mode, the IBM MQ messaging provider needs to know where to load native libraries from. For more information, see Configure the IBM MQ messaging provider with native libraries information.

    For migration purposes only, we can also specify native path information, when in an application server environment, by setting the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT WAS environment variable. See Install IBM MQ to interoperate with WAS.

  6. Optional: [In WAS] At Cell scope or Node scope, set the WAS MQ_CLEAR_MQ_FROM_OSGI_CACHE_ON_SHUTDOWN environment variable to True. This allows application server startup to automatically take account of changes that are made to the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT environment variable and IBM MQ JMS client libraries while the application server is stopped.

    If we do not set this variable, we must restart the application server a second time after any changes of this type, to enable the application to perform messaging using the IBM MQ messaging provider.

    If we set the MQ_CLEAR_MQ_FROM_OSGI_CACHE_ON_SHUTDOWN environment variable, the startup time might increase because, on startup, each application server needs to initialize an additional state associated with IBM MQ installation.

    For any change in the IBM MQ product (such as a PTF upgrade), we must restart WAS and all nodes.

  7. Optional: [In WAS] At Cell scope or Node scope, set the WAS MQ_USE_BUNDLE_REFERENCE_INSTALL environment variable to True. When this variable is set to True, the IBM MQ JMS bundle is installed using a reference installation.

    (iSeries) (Dist) The OSGi framework shares a storage area on disk. Because all servers of the installation use this storage area, multiple servers in the installation might read and or write data to this storage area concurrently, causing resource contention. The likelihood of a contention scenario occurring increases if the MQ_CLEAR_MQ_FROM_OSGI_CACHE_ON_SHUTDOWN variable is set to True. Setting the MQ_USE_BUNDLE_REFERENCE_INSTALL variable to True causes the IBM MQ JMS bundle to be installed using a reference installation, thereby avoiding the need for the OSGi framework to persist the IBM MQ JMS bundle file to the shared storage area. Instead, each server creates a unique bundle file for its use

    (ZOS) The OSGi framework shares a storage area on disk. Because all servers of the installation use this storage area, multiple servers in the installation might read and or write data to this storage area concurrently, causing resource contention. The likelihood of a contention scenario occurring increases if the MQ_CLEAR_MQ_FROM_OSGI_CACHE_ON_SHUTDOWN variable is set to True. Setting the MQ_USE_BUNDLE_REFERENCE_INSTALL variable to True causes the IBM MQ JMS bundle to be installed using a reference installation, thereby avoiding the need for the OSGi framework to persist the IBM MQ JMS bundle file to the shared storage area. Instead, each server and controller creates a unique bundle file for its use.

What to do next

We are now ready to configure a messaging provider. If our business uses IBM MQ, and we want to integrate WAS messaging applications into a predominantly IBM MQ network, the IBM MQ messaging provider is the natural choice. However, there can be benefits in using another provider. If we are not sure which provider combination is best suited to our needs, see Choosing messaging providers for a mixed environment.

To create IBM MQ messaging provider resources, see Configure JMS resources for the IBM messaging provider.



  • Interoperation using the IBM MQ messaging provider
  • Choosing messaging providers for a mixed environment
  • Configure JMS resources for the IBM messaging provider

    IBM MQ library