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Interoperation using the IBM MQ messaging provider

Through the IBM MQ messaging provider in WebSphere Application Server, Java Message Service (JMS) messaging applications can use the IBM MQ system as an external provider of JMS messaging resources.

IBM MQ is characterized as follows:

If our business uses IBM MQ, and we want to integrate WAS messaging applications into a predominantly IBM MQ network, the IBM MQ messaging provider is a logical choice. However, there can be benefits in using another provider. If we are not sure which provider combination is best suited to your requirements, see Choosing messaging providers for a mixed environment.

The IBM MQ messaging provider supports JMS 1.1 domain-independent interfaces (sometimes referred to as "unified" or "common" interfaces). This enables applications to use the same interfaces for both point-to-point and publish/subscribe messaging, and also enables both point-to-point and publish/subscribe messaging within the same transaction. With JMS 1.1, this approach is considered good practice for new applications. The domain-specific interfaces are supported for backwards compatibility for applications developed to use domain-specific queue interfaces, as described in section 1.5 of the JMS 1.1 specification.

The IBM MQ messaging provider also supports the Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) 1.5 activation specification mechanism for message-driven beans (MDBs) across all platforms supported by WAS.

Use WAS to configure IBM MQ resources for applications (for example queue connection factories) and to manage messages and subscriptions associated with JMS destinations. You administer security through IBM MQ.

In a mixed-version WAS cell, we can administer IBM MQ resources on nodes of all versions. However, some properties are not available on all versions. In this situation, only the properties of that particular node are displayed in the administrative console.

WAS v6.x contained an IBM MQ JMS client to facilitate interaction with IBM MQ. For WAS v7.0 and later this has been replaced with the IBM MQ resource adapter. The resource adapter is included with WAS and does not need to be installed separately. Service updates to the resource adapter are usually applied automatically through WAS fix packs. For more information about maintaining the resource adapter, see Maintaining the IBM MQ resource adapter.

Use the following four IBM MQ connection properties to configure the IBM MQ resource adapter used by the IBM MQ messaging provider. These properties affect the connection pool used by activation specifications:

To connect to multi-instance IBM MQ queue managers, we can provide host and port information in the form of a connection name list, which a connection factory or activation specification uses to connect to a multi-instance queue manager.

IBM MQ queue or topic destination properties allow us to specify:

For more information about using IBM MQ with WAS, see the Product Connectivity Scenarios information center, which provides information that leads you through the key tasks required to connect WAS to IBM MQ in a variety of scenarios. Each scenario contains the instructions for implementing a solution in a business context, allowing you to learn as you go without needing to make use of other information resources.



  • Types of messaging providers
  • Maintaining the IBM MQ resource adapter
  • IBM MQ messaging provider
  • Configure JMS resources for the IBM messaging provider
  • Configure the IBM MQ messaging provider with native libraries information
  • Configure custom properties for IBM MQ messaging provider JMS resources

    Connect WAS to IBM MQ

    IBM MQ library