Configure a topic connection factory for the IBM MQ messaging provider
Use this task to view or change the configuration of a JMS topic connection factory for publish/subscribe messaging with the IBM MQ messaging provider.
This task applies to topic connection factories. With JMS 1.1, domain-independent (unified) connection factories are preferred to domain-specific queue connection factories and topic connection factories. To view or configure a unified connection factory, see Configure a unified connection factory for the IBM MQ messaging provider.
To view or change the configuration of an existing topic connection factory for use with the IBM MQ messaging provider, use the administrative console to complete the following steps.
- In the navigation pane, click...
Resources > JMS->Topic connection factories. A list of existing topic connection factories, with a summary of their properties, is displayed.
- Select the Scope corresponding to the scope at which the topic connection factory is visible to applications.
- Click the name of the topic connection factory to view or change. Configuration details for the topic connection factory are displayed.
- Under General properties make any required changes.
For information about each of the available fields, see IBM MQ messaging provider topic connection factory settings.
- Click Apply to save the configuration.
- Optional: Click Advanced properties to display or change the list of advanced properties of our topic connection factory.
- Optional: Click Broker properties to display or change the list of broker properties of our topic connection factory.
- Optional: Click Custom properties to display or change the list of custom properties of our topic connection factory.
- Optional: Click Client transport properties to display or change the list of client transport properties of our topic connection factory. This link is only appears if, when we created the connection factory, we chose to enter all the information required to connect to IBM MQ. This link does not appear if we have chosen to use a client channel definition table (CCDT) to establish a connection to IBM MQ
- Optional: Click Connection pools to display or change the connection pools detail of our topic connection factory.
- Optional: Click Session pools to display or change the session pools detail of our topic connection factory.
There is a mechanism (session.sharing.scope custom property) to make JMS sessions unshareable. This means that whenever an application calls Session.close(), the JMS session is automatically released from any transaction associated with and returned to the session pool. This means that sessions can be cleaned up and removed from the session pool even if the servlet or asynchronous bean that created it is still running.
- Click OK.
- Save changes to the master configuration.
- To have the changed configuration take effect, stop then restart the application server.
Message processing in ASF mode and non-ASF mode Create a connection factory for the IBM MQ messaging provider Configure a unified connection factory for the IBM MQ messaging provider Configure custom properties for IBM MQ messaging provider JMS resources createWMQConnectionFactory command deleteWMQConnectionFactory command listWMQConnectionFactories command modifyWMQConnectionFactory command showWMQConnectionFactory command IBM MQ messaging provider topic connection factory settings IBM MQ messaging provider topic connection factory advanced properties IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory broker properties IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory client transport settings Connection pool settings Session pool settings