Configure client channel definition tables

A client channel definition table (CCDT) defines client connection channels and their attributes. Clients read this file to determine which queue managers to connect to. The CCDT file can be either JSON or binary format.

The queue manager does not read the CCDT file. It is only used to provide channel definitions and authentication information to clients.

Before Version 9.2.0, the CCDT is only available in binary format. From Version 9.2.0, we can also create a CCDT in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.

A binary format CCDT is created automatically when a queue manager is created. You update the client channel definitions stored in this table using only the runmqsc command.

A JSON format CCDT is a flat text file with a .json extension. You create and update this table manually, which is less restrictive than using the runmqsc command.

z/OS JMS clients running within an application server use a CCDT to reference remote queue manager connection details. From Version 9.1, IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS Value Unit Edition allows JMS clients to remotely connect to queue managers on other z/OS LPARs. Therefore these clients can also use CCDTs.

Configure CCDTs...

  • Configure a binary format CCDT
    The client channel definition table (CCDT) determines the channel definitions and authentication information used by client applications to connect to the queue manager. On Multiplatforms, a binary CCDT containing default settings is created automatically when the queue manager is created. You use the runmqsc command to update a binary CCDT.

  • Configure a JSON format CCDT
    The client channel definition table (CCDT) determines the channel definitions and authentication information used by client applications to connect to the queue manager. You use a text editor to create and update a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) CCDT.

  • Locations for the CCDT
    IBM MQ supports retrieving a CCDT from a file, FTP, or HTTP URL. We can make the CCDT accessible to the client as a shared file, while it remains located on the server. Alternatively we can distribute the CCDT, either by copying the CCDT to individual client computers or by copying the CCDT to a location shared by more than one client.

  • URL access to the CCDT
    We can host a client channel definition table (CCDT) in a central location that can be accessed through a URL, removing the need to individually update the CCDT for each deployed client.

Parent topic: Create server-connection and client-connection definitions on the server

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