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Starting a proxy server

Starting a proxy server starts a new server process based on the process definition settings of the current proxy server configuration.

Before we start a proxy server, verify that all of the resources that the proxy requires are available. We must also start all prerequisite subsystems.

All proxy server processes are performed in the controller because we cannot configure a servant for a proxy server. Therefore, because application modules cannot be deployed into a controller, we cannot deploy an application module into a proxy server. If an application that we are running on a proxy server includes an application module, such as a module that serves an error page if a proxy server routing error occurs, that application module must be deployed to the servant of an application server with which the proxy server can communicate, instead of to the proxy server.gotcha

This procedure for starting a server also applies to restarting a server. However, if a server fails and you want the recovery functions to complete their processing prior to new processes being started on the server, we must restart the server in recovery mode.

Using one of the following options to start a proxy server.


The specified proxy server starts. To verify that the proxy server was started, in the administrative console, click...

        Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > .

What to do next

If we need to start the proxy server with standard Java debugging enabled, then complete these steps:

  1. From the administrative console, expand Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > proxy_server.
  2. From Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition.

  3. Select Control.

  4. Click Java virtual machine.

  5. Select Debug mode to enable the standard Java debugger. Set Debug mode arguments, if needed, and click OK.

  6. Save the changes to a configuration file.

  7. Stop the proxy server, and restart the proxy server.

  • Browse all SIP topics
  • Configure the SIP container
  • Stopping a proxy server
  • SIP container custom properties
  • SIP proxy server custom properties