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SIP container custom properties

We can add any of the following custom properties to the configuration settings for a SIP container.

To specify custom properties for a specific SIP container, navigate to the custom properties page.

Then specify a value for the custom property.

Important: The custom properties are supported as the primary method of configuration. Therefore, if a custom property is set and then we set the corresponding setting in the administrative console, the custom property value is used.

  1. In the administrative console, expand Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server to open the configuration tab for the server.

  2. From Container settings, expand SIP Container settings, and click SIP container.

  3. From Additional properties, select Custom Properties > New.

  4. On the settings page, type the custom property to configure in the Name field, and then type the value of the custom property in the Value field.

  5. Click Apply or OK.

  6. Click Save on the console task bar to save the configuration changes.

  7. Restart the server.

We can define the following SIP container custom properties provided with WebSphere Application Server. These properties are not shown on the settings page for the container.

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  • Configure the SIP container


    Auth-int quality of protection (QOP) for digest authentication. Digest authentication defines two types of QOP: auth and auth-int. By default, auth is used. When this custom property is set to True, the highest level of protection is used, which is the auth-int QOP.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default False


    Number of logical names in the application server. Each SIP object that can be replicated, such as a SIP session, is associated with a logical name. All objects with the same logical name are replicated to the same back-up container. The proxy can route messages to the correct container using the logical name found in the message. The value must be greater than 1.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 10


    Clean LDAP cache period in minutes.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 120


    Clean security subject cache period in minutes.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 15


    Key to use for SIP flow token security. When a value is specified for this property, SIP flow token security is automatically enabled.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default There is no default value


    Specifies whether to allow basic authentication for SIP.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default False


    To the SIP container how the values of a header field are separated and how outgoing messages are serialized. We can specify to separate the header field values by either line separation, so that each header value is on a separate line, or the header values are in the same line and separated by commas. Separation of headers is important in cases where the formatting of proprietary header extensions is not clear to the SIP container and extra configuration is needed so that the container knows how to parse and serialize non-standard headers. Separation of headers is also helpful for formatting both extensions and standard headers on outgoing messages to make them either more human readable, by separating individual headers to multiple lines, or more compact if the message size is an issue.

    This custom property affects the parsing of extension header fields, and the serialization of both standard and extension header fields.

    The default behavior for the SIP container is to first parse all extension header fields using line separation and then to serialize all header fields using line separation, except for the set of header fields specified to separate with commas.

    The syntax of the value of this custom property is:

    The number of header name elements is one or more and reflects the name of the header whose processing is being modified. Specifying :on/off/in/out is optional, as the value defaults to on, if not specified. Specify only one of the optional values per header entry. The definitions for each value are as follows:

    • On - That the header values are comma-separated, for both inbound and outbound messages.
    • Off - That the header values are line-separated, for both inbound and outbound messages.
    • In - That the header values are comma-separated in inbound messages, and line-separated in outbound messages.
    • Out - That the header values are line-separated in inbound messages, and comma-separated in outbound messages.

    We can also specify the header_name to use the special wildcard value *, meaning this custom property setting applies for all headers.

    During initialization of the application server, if the comma.separated.headers custom property is set, the specified values for this custom property is appended to the default value before the custom property value is parsed. If we have duplicate entries such that there are conflicting definitions in the custom property value, the last definition in the custom property value is used. If we specify * as the header field name, the default separation is applied and overrides all previous definitions.

    For example, setting the comma.separated.headers custom property to *:off,My-Header-Field:on produces the following SIP container string value:

    This setting causes all header fields to be separated by lines, including the default, with the exception for the My-Header-Field, which is separated by commas.


    • Use the following comma.separated.headers custom property value to specify that header1 is separated by commas for parsing inbound messages and for serializing outbound messages to the network, and that header2 is separated by lines:

      In this scenario, if a SIP message is received with the following values:

      header1: aaa, bbb,ccc
      header2: aaa, bbb,ccc
      then header1 is parsed as three separate headers with the same name and the values of aaa, bbb, ccc as follows:
      header1: aaa
      header1: bbb
      header1: ccc
      The header2 is parsed as one string with commas that separate the values of aaa, bbb, ccc.

      When the SIP container serializes, or sends, messages to the network, if the application adds the values aaa, bbb, ccc to each of the headers, then for header1 the outgoing message is serialized as follows:

      header1: aaa, bbb, ccc
      The header2 is serialized as follows:
      header2: aaa
      header2: bbb
      header2: ccc

    • Use the following comma.separated.headers custom property value to specify that header1 is separated by commas for parsing incoming messages and separated by lines for serializing outgoing messages, and that header2 is separated by lines for parsing incoming messages and separated by commas for serializing outgoing messages

      In this scenario, if a SIP message is received with the following values:

      header1: aaa, bbb,ccc
      header2: aaa, bbb,ccc
      then header1 is parsed as three separate headers with the same name and the values of aaa, bbb, ccc as follows:
      header1: aaa
      header1: bbb
      header1: ccc
      The header2 is parsed as one string with commas that separate the values of aaa, bbb, ccc.

      When the SIP container serializes messages to the network, if the application adds the values aaa, bbb, ccc to each of the headers, then for header1 the outgoing message is serialized as follows:

      header1: aaa
      header1: bbb
      header1: ccc
      The header2 is serialized as follows:
      header2: aaa, bbb, ccc

    • Use the following comma.separated.headers custom property value to specify that all headers are separated by lines for parsing incoming messages and for serializing outgoing messages to the network:

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default Accept,Accept-Encoding,Accept-Language,Allow,In-Reply-To,Proxy-Require,Require,Supported,Unsupported


    Types of user registries supported, except LDAP. To configure DigestTAI without the LDAP user registry.

    1. Create a class that implements this interface: com.ibm.ws.sip.security.digest.DigestPasswordServer

    2. Add the following property to the SIP container custom property:

      • Default LdapPasswordServer

    3. Ensure that all users declared by the impl class are declared in the user registry configured for the product security.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default impl


    Specifies whether the SIP failover mechanism is active. When this mechanism is active, the SIP container will shut itself down when it detects that all proxy connections are down. If we set this property to true, the SIP failover mechanism is disabled, and the SIP container does not shut itself down even if all proxy server connections are down.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default false


    Specifies whether the application has access to headers that are otherwise restricted.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default False


    Specifies whether changes are buffered until the thread for a siplet is about to end. If the value is set to true, then each change is buffered until the thread for the siplet is about to end.

    Information Value
    Data type Boolean
    Default true


    That proxy detection through UCF is disabled so that the SIP container does not listen to SIP proxy messages that come through UCF. If we set this property to true, only SIP startup messages, which indicate that the front-end proxy server is up and running, and SIP messages that monitor the health of SIP communication lines between a SIP proxy server and the SIP container, are used to monitor communication with a SIP proxy server.

    If we are using a proxy server installed in a DMZ, set this property to true because messages that come through UCF are not reliable for proxy servers installed in a DMZ.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default false


    Specifies whether each change is immediately sent to the Data Replication Service. When true, when replication is issued from a non-SIP container thread, the replication is immediately performed on the calling thread. When false, the changes are buffered, and replication does not occur until all changes are made.

    Set to true might have a negative impact on performance.

    Information Value
    Data type Boolean
    Default false


    Location of the default application router (DAR) properties file. The properties file defines the order in which the application router sends SIP requests to applications as described in Appendix C of the JSR 289 specification.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default Null


    Custom application router implementation fully qualified class name as described in section 15.4.2 of the JSR 289 specification. The custom application router implementation class defines the order in which the application router sends SIP requests to applications.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default Null


    Amount of time, in milliseconds, between attempts to start the SIP channel if the SIP port is busy with another process during server startup.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 60


    Delay, in milliseconds, between attempts to start the SIP channel if the SIP port is busy with another process during server startup.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 5000


    Specifies whether to prevent the container from re-escaping Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) parameters that were pre-escaped by the application.

    Enable this property provides the application with more control over escaping URI parameters, when calling the javax.servlet.sip.SipFactory.createURI() and the javax.servlet.sip.SipURI.setParameter() parameters.

    By default, the container only escapes characters that it must encode according to the RFC 3261 25.1 specification. In some cases, however, escaping additional characters might be required. Due to a limitation in the JSR 116 (5.2.1) specification, the application cannot perform its own escaping. Because of this limitation, attempts by the application to encode URI parameters causes the container to re-encode the percent sign. If the value of this property is set to true, the container cannot re-encode the percent sign.

    Set the value to true is not in compliance with the JSR 116 (5.2.1) specification, but provides the application with greater control over URI parameter escaping. APAR PK37192 describes the problem and the workaround.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default False


    Specifies whether to force reuse of inbound connections for outbound requests. This custom property is only relevant for stream transports, such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Transport Layer Security (TLS). Disabling this property causes the container to create a separate connection for outbound requests, even if an existing connection is already established to the same peer address. The connection is automatically reused if the top Via header in the inbound request contains an alias parameter. (http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-sip-connect-reuse-07.txt)

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default False

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    To hide message content in logs. Set the value of this property to true to remove the message body text from SIP messages printed in the log files. This property only affects the representation of the messages in log files.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default False

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    To hide the specified message header field names in log files. The value of this property is a comma-separated list of header field names that we want removed from SIP messages printed in the log files. This property only affects the representation of the messages in log files.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default None


    To hide request URIs in log files. Set the value of this property to true to remove request URIs from SIP messages printed in the log files. This property only affects the representation of the messages in log files.

    Information Value
    Data type Boolean
    Default False


    Fixed address for routing all outbound SIP messages. The format is address:port/transport, such as

    Do not use this property if the container is fronted by an application server SIP proxy.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default null

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Maximum transmission unit, in bytes, for outbound User Datagram Protocol (UDP) requests. The SIP stack measures the size of a request prior to sending it out on the UDP channel. If the request is larger than the value specified for PATH_MTU-200 (1300 bytes by default), then the transport is switched from UDP to TCP prior to transmission. Increase this value to send larger requests over the UDP channel; however, messages might be truncated or dropped. See the RFC 3261-18.1.1 specification for details.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 1500

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    List of header parameters that require quotes around the value, that either modifies, or adds to, the default list.

    The format for this property value is a comma-delimited list as follows:


    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default off

    The following is a list of the default parameters that require quotes:

    • actor
    • application
    • audio
    • automata
    • class
    • cnonce
    • control
    • data
    • description
    • domain
    • duplex
    • events
    • extensions
    • isfocus
    • language
    • methods
    • mobility
    • nextnonce
    • nonce
    • opaque
    • priority
    • qop
    • realm
    • response
    • rspauth
    • schemes
    • text
    • type
    • uri
    • username
    • video


    Amount of time, in milliseconds, for reporting dispatch and timer statistics to a system.out file. A value of zero indicates no report.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 0


    Specifies whether to print incoming messages to a system.out file.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default False


    Specifies whether to print outbound messages to a system.out file.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default False


    Specifies whether to automatically reply to invite requests with a 100 Trying response. Disabling this property might increase the number of invite retransmissions.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default True

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Specifies, for UDP only, the amount of time, in milliseconds, prior to retransmitting invite requests for timer A according to the RFC 3261 specification. This property is relevant for the invite client transaction.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default javax.sip.transaction.timer.t1

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Amount of time, in milliseconds, for the invite client transaction timeout timer (timer B) according to the RFC 3261 specification.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 64*javax.sip.transaction.timer.t1

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Amount of timer, in milliseconds, for the timer to keep the canceled client transaction in the proceeding state prior to completing the canceled transaction according to the RFC 3261 9.1 specification. This property is relevant for the invite client transaction.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 64*javax.sip.transaction.timer.t1


    The wait time, in milliseconds, prior to retransmission of the invite response for timer D according to the RFC 3261 specification. This property is relevant for the invite client transaction.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 32000

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Specifies, for UDP only, the amount of time, in milliseconds, prior to the retransmission of the initial non-invite request for timer E according to the RFC 3261 specification. This property is relevant for the non-invite client transaction.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default javax.sip.transaction.timer.t1

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Amount of time, in milliseconds, for the non-invite transaction timeout timer (timer F) according to the RFC 3261 specification. This property is relevant for the non-invite client transaction.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 64*javax.sip.transaction.timer.t1

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Amount of time, in milliseconds, prior to retransmission of an initial invite response for timer G according to the RFC 3261 specification. This property is relevant for the invite server transaction.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default javax.sip.transaction.timer.t1

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for an acknowledgment (ACK) receipt for timer H according to the RFC 3261 specification. This property is relevant for the invite server transaction.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 64*javax.sip.transaction.timer.t1

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Amount of time in milliseconds to wait for an ACK retransmission for timer I according to the RFC 3261 specification. This property is relevant for the invite server transaction.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default javax.sip.transaction.timer.t4

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Amount of time, in milliseconds, for the timer to keep the invite server transaction in the complete state. This timer is not defined in the RFC specification.

    To avoid creating a new server transaction when a client retransmits an invite request, keep the completed server transaction for a period of time prior to removing invite retransmissions. This timer is started when the transaction changes to the terminated state. When the timer completes, the transaction is removed.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 32000


    Amount of time in milliseconds to wait for non-invite request retransmission for timer J according to the RFC 3261 specification. This property is relevant for the non-invite server transaction.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 64*javax.sip.transaction.timer.t1

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for non-INVITE response retransmissions for timer K according to the RFC 3261 specification. This property is relevant for the non-invite client transaction.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default javax.sip.transaction.timer.t4

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Amount of time, in milliseconds, for an API timer for the application to respond to a non-invite request. This property is relevant for non-invite server transactions.

    This timer is not defined in the RFC specification. This property is needed to stop the transaction if the application does not generate a final response to the request. The timer starts when the request arrives in the stack and stops when a response is generated by the application. If no response is generated prior to the timer stopping, then the transaction completes.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 34000


    Amount of time, in milliseconds, for a network round trip delay for timer T1 according to the RFC 3261 specification. The value is used as a base for calculating some timers and is relevant for all types of transactions, such as client, server, invite, and non-invite transactions.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 500

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Maximum time in milliseconds prior to retransmitting non-invite requests and invite responses for timer T2 according to the RFC 3261 specification.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 4000

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, for a message to remain in the network. This value is used as a base for calculating other timers for timer T4 according to the RFC 3261 specification.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 5000

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Maximum content-length, in bytes, for the body of a message.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 65536 (64 Kbytes)


    When true, the attribute sip.message.arrival.time is added to incoming messages by the SIP Container with the message arrival time in milliseconds.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default True


    Burst factor for the message queue.

    The burst factor controls how tolerant SIP container managed overload protection (CMOP) is to bursts of high traffic. When the maximum message queue size threshold is reached, the queue becomes overloaded. When the queue is overloaded, the maximum message queue size is multiplied by the burst factor to allow additional messages through without being dropped.

    Information Value
    Data type Integer
    Default 10


    Number of allowed parse errors before closing a reliable connection.

    • -1 indicates never close the reliable connection on any parse error.
    • 0 indicates closing the reliable connection on any parse error.
    • 1 indicates closing the reliable connection on at least 2 parse errors.

    In general, (n) indicates closing the reliable connection on at least (n+1) parse errors.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 0


    Specifies whether changes are buffered until a siplet issues a request.send() or response.send() call. If the value is set to true, then each change is buffered until a siplet issues a request.send() or response.send() call.

    Information Value
    Data type Boolean
    Default false


    The interval, in milliseconds, in which the parse errors are counted per a reliable connection.

    0 and less indicates the parse errors are counted globally per the reliable connection. If the interval is running out of time, then the number of parse errors, per the reliable connection, is initialized.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 0


    Specifies, in milliseconds, the granularity of the time interval for the timer service for how often the SIP container reads the system time.

    Information Value
    Data type Integer
    Default 10 milliseconds


    LDAP attribute name that stores the user password.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default userpassword


    Specifies whether the SIP container disregards the empty incoming header.

    If the value is set to true, the SIP container disregards the empty incoming header.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default False


    Replicate the application session, even when no dialogs are confirmed. If the value is set to false, then the application session is replicated immediately after the session is created. Otherwise, the application session is only replicated when an associated dialog is confirmed.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default False


    Specifies whether or not SIP network outage detection is enabled for the SIP container. SIP network outage detection allows the SIP proxy to send keepalive messages to the SIP container if the value of this property is set to true.

    If the value is set to false for the SIP container, then this property has no effect on the SIP proxy. However, if the value is set to true for the SIP container, the value should also be set to true for the SIP proxy to ensure that keepalive messages are answered at the SIP container and not presented to the application.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default true


    To use the SIP Servlet Specification 1.1, JSR 289 required format for createRequest() and createAddress() methods.

    For transitioning users: The JSR 289 API requires that for any SIP URI containing address parameters, we must enclose the SIP URI in angle brackets. The default behavior of the sip.jsr289.parse.address property is compliant with JSR 289 and correctly parses the address parameter as if it belongs to the SIP address. For example, when the property is set to false, the SIP address, sip:fred@acme.com;param1=1, is converted to <sip:fred@acme.com;param1=1>. When true, the SIP address sip:fred@acme.com;param1=1, is converted to <sip:fred@acme.com;>param1=1. trns

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default True


    Specifies whether to allow a SIP URI to be resolved through Domain Name System (DNS) into the IP address, port, and transport protocol of the next hop.

    The value of the property is a string containing one or two address and port tuples, where two tuples are separated by a space. The following examples specify a one address and port tuple or a two address and port tuple.

    • dottedDecimalAddress@.port
    • hostname.domain@port
    • IPV6address@port

    The following example values represent a single tuple.

    • example.com@53
    • a:b:c::d@53

    The following example values represent two tuples separated by a space.

    • example.com@53
    • a:b:c::d@53

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default null

    Deprecated feature: This custom property is deprecated. Do not use this custom property unless we are running in a mixed cell environment that includes at least one core group containing a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes.depfeat

    Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups that contain a mixture of v7.0 and v6.x processes, we must continue to use this custom property.mixv


    Maximum number of events allowed in the container threads queue. When this number is exceeded, the proxy server is notified that the container is overloaded and requests for new sessions are not accepted. Instead, the container returns an error message that indicates that the container is temporarily unavailable.

    This value represents the total number of messages for all queues and reflects the state of the CPU. When the CPU approaches 100%, the maximum value for this custom property is reached quickly. Configure the system to limit the queue size and prevent the queue from reaching this threshold.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 1000


    Threshold value for the internal weight calculated by the container. When the container calculates the internal weight to be higher than the value specified, an overloaded container becomes available for service again.

    This custom property represents a percentage of the maximum internal weight, such as 30 percent when the default value is set. When the high-water mark, or maximum threshold, is exceeded, the container waits until the weight drops beneath the maximum weight. This value cannot exceed 10.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default 3