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Create an IBM MQ server definition

An IBM MQ server represents an IBM MQ queue manager or (for IBM MQ for z/OS ) queue-sharing group. To create an IBM MQ server definition, you use the console to define the server connection and quality of service properties.

Decide which method to use to configure these resources. We can create a new IBM MQ server definition using the console as described in this task, or using the createSIBWMQServer command.

An IBM MQ server definition defines the connection to an underlying IBM MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group and the associated queues.

When we subsequently add the server as a member of a service integration bus, we can optionally override the server connection settings with the bus connection settings. This means that we can create an IBM MQ server definition that is specific to a bus, yet reusable in a multiple bus topology.

  1. Start the console.

  2. Complete either of the following sub-steps:

    1. Navigate to Servers -> New server, choose a server type of "IBM MQ server", then click Next.

    2. Navigate to Servers -> Server Types -> IBM MQ servers, then click New.

    The IBM MQ server [Settings] form is displayed.

  3. Complete the fields as required.

    Refer to the IBM MQ server [Settings] form and the following notes:


      The name used for this IBM MQ server definition must be unique.


      This identifier is assigned automatically when creating a new IBM MQ server definition.

      Use bindings transport mode if available

      To connect to an IBM MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group in bindings mode, WebSphere Application Server needs to know where to load native libraries from. This information is stored in the Native library path property of the IBM MQ messaging provider. To use a direct binding to IBM MQ, rather than a TCP/IP network connection, select this option and configure the Native library path property as described in Configure the IBM MQ messaging provider with native libraries information.

      If we are using Resource Access Control Facility (RACF ) as the security manager on the IBM MQ for z/OS system, and using bindings transport mode, specify in uppercase characters the user names and passwords for authentication aliases. If we are using RACF and client transport mode, we can specify the user names and passwords in either upper or lowercase characters.

      Test connection

      After configuring the Connection properties, click this button to test the connection to IBM MQ.

      Trust user identifiers received in messages

      Select this option if we do not want the user IDs in messages to be overwritten with the administrative name of the IBM MQ server.

      JAAS - J2C authentication data

      This item is not available until after the IBM MQ server definition has been created.

  4. Click OK to confirm.

  5. Save the changes to the master configuration.

  6. Restart the application server.

What to do next

You are now ready to add the new IBM MQ server as a member of a bus.


Related concepts

  • IBM MQ server: Connection and authentication
  • User identification
  • IBM MQ server: Transport chain security

  • createSIBWMQServer command

    Related information:

  • IBM MQ servers [Collection]
  • IBM MQ server [Settings]