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Delete an IBM MQ server definition

An IBM MQ server represents an IBM MQ queue manager or (for IBM MQ for z/OS ) queue-sharing group. This topic describes how to delete an IBM MQ server definition.

Decide which method to use to configure these resources. We can delete an IBM MQ server using the console as described in this task, or using the deleteSIBWMQServer command.

Ensure that no application is putting messages to the bus members located on the IBM MQ server.

Inform the IBM MQ administrator that the IBM MQ server is about to be deleted and therefore will no longer interoperate with its IBM MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group in the IBM MQ network.

When you delete an IBM MQ server definition, the deletion process also modifies the following associated resources:

Delete an IBM MQ server definition does not affect the associated queue managers, queue-sharing groups, queues or messages on the IBM MQ network.

  1. Start the console.

  2. Navigate to Servers -> Server Types -> IBM MQ servers. The IBM MQ servers [Collection] form is displayed.

  3. Select the check box next to the IBM MQ server to delete.

  4. Click Delete. If the processing completes successfully, the list of IBM MQ servers is updated. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

  5. Save the changes to the master configuration.

  6. Restart the application server.