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(Dist) Uninstall WAS ND v9 offerings from distributed operating systems using the GUI

Use the Installation Manager GUI to uninstall any product offering.

All product offerings can be uninstalled using the Installation Manager GUI, including the following offerings:

For a full list of product offerings, see WAS product offerings for supported operating systems.

Uninstall WAS ND v9 using the GUI

  1. Uninstall the product.

    1. Stop the product installation that we are uninstalling.

    2. Start Installation Manager

    3. Click Uninstall.

    4. In the Uninstall Packages window, select the product offering, and then click Next.

      Important: When uninstalling product offering, uninstall all packages under the same package group that are extensions of the offering. For example, if the product offering requires IBM SDK, both the product and the Java SDK must be uninstalled.

    5. Review the summary information.

    6. Click Uninstall.

      • If the uninstallation is successful, the program displays a message that indicates success.
      • If the uninstallation is not successful, click View log to troubleshoot the problem.

    7. Click Finish.

    8. Click File > Exit to close Installation Manager.

  2. Optional: Uninstall Installation Manager.

    Important: Before uninstalling Installation Manager, uninstall all of the packages that were installed by Installation Manager.

    See Installation Manager documentation.

  • Install the product offerings
  • Install features on distributed operating systems
  • Update the product on distributed and IBM i operating systems
  • Uninstall the product offerings using response files
  • Uninstall the product offerings using the command line