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Secure OSGi applications

Secure OSGi applications is very similar to securing enterprise applications. For most security frameworks, no additional steps are required. For Java 2 security, there is some optional extra configuration that is specific to OSGi Applications.

For most security frameworks supported by WebSphere Application Server, configuring security for OSGi applications requires no additional steps to those that are required for enterprise applications. For example: If we enable security, and we add a secure asset, specify a target server that is in the global security domain. This requirement is the same whether the asset is an enterprise application or an OSGi application.

For application security with OSGi applications, we can modify the security role to user or group mapping when we add the asset to the business-level application.

For Java 2 security in enterprise applications, we set permissions at the application level. For OSGi applications, we can also set Java 2 security permissions at the bundle level. To support this finer-grained security, there are extra configuration steps that we can complete when creating an OSGi application, when we migrate an enterprise application to an OSGi application, and when we add an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) asset to a business-level application.



  • Java 2 security and OSGi Applications
  • Java 2 security
  • Application security
  • Blueprint security and OSGi applications
  • Deploy an OSGi application as a business-level application
  • Add an EBA asset to a composition unit by
  • Add an EBA asset to a composition unit using wsadmin commands
  • Converting an enterprise application to an OSGi application
  • Security role to user or group mapping [Settings]

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