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Checking the bundle download status of an EBA asset

Update an asset to use a new bundle version might require bundle downloads. We cannot update an asset until bundle downloads are complete from any previous update. Before we try and update bundle versions, we can check the bundle download status of the asset.

In addition to the approach given in this task, we can also check the bundle download status indirectly, by checking the status of the associated OSGi composition unit as described in Checking the update status of an OSGi composition unit.

We use the administrative console to check the bundle download status of an EBA asset. This status is either "Bundles downloading...", "Bundle downloads are complete", or "No bundles downloads are required".


  1. Start the administrative console.

  2. Navigate to Applications > Application Types > Assets > asset_name.

    The Asset settings panel is displayed.

The current bundle download status for all bundles and composite bundles for this asset is displayed in the EBA Dependencies section. If the bundle downloads for any previous update are complete, the option to update bundle versions is available under the Additional Properties section.

What to do next

  • Update bundle versions for an EBA asset
  • Maintaining an OSGi composition unit
  • Checking the update status of an OSGi composition unit
  • Administer bundle repositories
  • Exporting and importing a deployment manifest file
  • Update an OSGi composition unit

    File name: was2975.html
