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Blueprint XML

A Blueprint XML file is identified by a top-level blueprint element and contains definitions of component managers such as a bean manager, a service manager, and service reference managers.

A Blueprint XML file is identified by a top-level Blueprint element, as shown in the following blueprint.xml example code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0">

The XML namespace identifies that the document conforms to the Blueprint version 1.0.0. The top-level Blueprint element identifies the document as a Blueprint module definition.

The Blueprint XML file contains definitions of various component managers. The Blueprint Container specification defines four main component managers:

Each component manager creates components and manages the life cycle of those components. When requested, the managers provide a component instance. Each manager has a corresponding XML element that describes the manager properties. The managers can be top-level managers or they can be defined using inline declarations in other manager definitions. All component managers can have the following attributes: