(ZOS) SMF Subtype 5: J2EE container activity record (v2)
The purpose of the J2EE container activity SMF record is to record activity within a J2EE container located inside the WAS transaction server.
This record can be used to perform basic charge-back accounting, application profiling, problem determination, and capacity planning. A single record is created for each activity that is run within a J2EE container located inside a WebSphereApplication Server transaction server.
We can activate this record through the administrative console by setting server_SMF_container_activity_enabled=1 (or server_SMF_container_activity_enabled=true).
J2EE container activity record (v2) schema
This section includes Subtype 5: J2EE container activity record (Version 2).
J2EE container activity section
Offset Offset Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM120JA4 64 EBCDIC WebSphereApplication Server for z/OS transaction server host name 64 40 SM120JA5 8 EBCDIC WebSphereApplication Server for z/OStransaction server name 72 48 SM120JA6 8 EBCDIC WebSphereApplication Server for z/OStransaction server instance name 80 50 SM120JA7 4 binary The specific WebSphereApplication Server for z/OStransaction server instance server servant where the request ran 84 54 SM120JA8 512 Unicode WebSphereApplication Server for z/OScontainer name. 596 254 SM120JA9 8 HEX The WLM enclave token 604 25C SM120JAA 4 binary RESERVED 608 260 SM120JAB 20 HEX The identity of the activity 628 274 SM120CL2 8 EBCDIC Cell 636 27C SM120ND2 8 EBCDIC Node
Bean section
Offset Offset Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM120JB1 512 Unicode AMCName of the bean activated by the container. If the length of the AMCName exceeds 256 DBCS characters (512 bytes), the rightmost 256 characters are recorded.
512 200 SM120JB2 60 binary UUID based AMC name 572 23C SM120JB3 4 binary The bean's type. 2: Stateless session bean. 3: Stateful session bean. 4: BMP entity bean. 5: CMP entity bean. 6. Message-driven bean. 576 240 SM120JB4 4 binary RESERVED 580 244 SM120JB5 4 binary RESERVED 584 248 SM120JB6 4 binary RESERVED 588 24C SM120JB7 4 binary The bean's reentrance policy. 0: Not reentrant within transaction. 1: Reentrant within transaction. 592 250 SM120JB8 4 binary RESERVED 596 254 SM120JMC 4 binary RESERVED 600 258 SM120JM6 4 binary RESERVED 604 25C SM120JB9 4 binary Number of method triplets in this bean section The following triplet appears 0-n times; once for each bean method section. 608 260 SM120JBS 4 binary Offset to bean method section from the beginning of this bean section 612 264 SM120JBL 4 binary Length of bean method section 616 268 SM120JBN 4 binary Number of bean method sections
Bean method section
Offset Offset Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM120JM1 1,024 Unicode The name of the method including its signature in its externalized, human-readable form. If the length of the method exceeds 512 DBCS characters (1024 bytes), the leftmost 512 characters are recorded. 1024 400 SM120JM2 4 binary The number of times the method was invoked during the activity. 1028 404 SM120JM3 4 binary Average response time. The response time is measured in milliseconds (the granularity provided by the JVM - hopefully, it will be equal to 0 in most cases). 1032 408 SM120JM4 4 binary Maximum response time. The response time is measured in milliseconds. 1036 40C SM120JM5 4 binary The bean method's transaction policy. Values from com.ibm.websphere.csi. TransactionAttribute.java: 0: "TX_NOT_SUPPORTED" 1: "TX_BEAN_MANAGED" 2: "TX_REQUIRED" 3: "TX_SUPPORTS" 4: "TX_REQUIRES_NEW" 5: "TX_MANDATORY" 6: "TX_NEVER"1040 410 SM120JM8 4 binary RESERVED. 1044 414 SM120JM9 4 binary RESERVED. 1048 418 SM120JMA 512 Unicode List of ejbRoles associated with the method. Separator character: ";" (semicolon). If the length of the concatenated string exceeds 256 characters (512 bytes), only its leftmost 256 characters are recorded. 1560 618 SM120JMB 4 binary RESERVED. 1564 61C SM120JMD 4 binary RESERVED. 1568 620 SM120JME 4 binary ejbLoad: # of invocations 1572 624 SM120JMF 4 binary ejbLoad: avg execution time 1576 628 SM120JMG 4 binary ejbLoad: max execution time 1580 62C SM120JMH 4 binary ejbStore: # of invocations 1584 630 SM120JMI 4 binary ejbStore: avg execution time 1588 634 SM120JMJ 4 binary ejbStore: max execution time 1592 638 SM120JMK 4 binary ejbActivate: # of invocations 1596 63C SM120JML 4 binary ejbActivate: avg execution time 1600 640 SM120JMM 4 binary ejbActivate: max execution time 1604 644 SM120JMN 4 binary ejbPassivate: # of invocations 1608 648 SM120JMO 4 binary ejbPassivate: avg execution time 1612 64C SM120JMP 4 binary ejbPassivate: max execution time 1616 650 SM120JMQ 8 binary Average cpu time in microseconds. 1624 658 SM120JMR 8 binary Minimum cpu time in microseconds. 1632 660 SM120JMS 8 binary Maximum cpu time in microseconds.
Collecting job-related information with the System Management Facility (SMF) Triplets Header/self-defining section Product section SMF Subtype 1: Server activity record SMF Subtype 3: Server interval record SMF Subtype 6: J2EE container interval record (v2) SMF Subtype 7: WebContainer activity record (v2) SMF Subtype 8: WebContainer interval record (v2) SMF Subtype 9: Request Activity record SMF Subtype 10: Outbound Request record
MVS System Management Facilities (SMF)