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(ZOS) Product section

These tables describe the product section of an SMF record.

Product section

Offset Offset Name Length Format Description
0 0 SM120MFV 4 binary CB SMF version
4 4 SM120COD 8 EBCDIC Character codeset in which strings in the SMF record are encoded
12 C SM120END 4 binary Encode of numbers in the SMF record
16 10 SM120TSF 4 binary Encoding of timestamps:

1: S390STCK64: The time values are encoded in 64-bit S/390 Store Clock format.

Reassembly information.
20 14 SM120IXR 4 binary Index of this record
24 18 SM120NRC 4 binary Total number of records
28 1C SM120NTR 4 binary Total number of triplets

  • Collecting job-related information with the System Management Facility (SMF)
  • Triplets
  • Header/self-defining section
  • SMF Subtype 1: Server activity record
  • SMF Subtype 3: Server interval record
  • SMF Subtype 5: J2EE container activity record (v2)
  • SMF Subtype 6: J2EE container interval record (v2)
  • SMF Subtype 7: WebContainer activity record (v2)
  • SMF Subtype 8: WebContainer interval record (v2)

    MVS System Management Facilities (SMF)