(ZOS) Header/self-defining section
These tables describe the header/self-defining section of an SMF record.
Offset (decimal) Offset (hexadecimal) Name Length Format Description 0 0 SM120LEN 2 binary Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). See Standard SMF record header in MVSâ„¢System Management Facilities (SMF) (SA22-7630), for a detailed description. 2 2 SM120SEG 2 binary Segment descriptor (see record length field) 4 4 SM120FLG 1 binary Bit meaning when set 0: New SMF record format
1: Subtypes used
2: Reserved
3-6: Version indicators*
7: Reserved
*See Standard SMF record header in MVSSystem Management Facilities (SMF) (SA22-7630), for a detailed description.
5 5 SM120RTY 1 binary Record type 120(X'78') 6 6 SM120TME 4 binary Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the record was moved into the SMF buffer. 10 A SM120DTE 4 packed Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. See Standard SMF record header in MVSSystem Management Facilities (SMF) (SA22-7630), for a detailed description. 14 E SM120SID 4 EBCDIC System identification (from the SMFPRMxx SID parameter) 18 12 SM120SSI 4 EBCDIC Subsystem identification from SUBSYS parameter 22 16 SM120RST 2 binary Record subtype: 1: Server activity
2: Container activity
3: Server interval
4: Container interval.
5: J2EE container activity
6: J2EE container interval
7: WebContainer activity
8: WebContainer interval
9: Request Activity record
10: Outbound Request record
24 18 SM120TRN 4 binary Number of triplets in the record. 28 1C SM120PRS 4 binary Offset to product section from RDW. 32 20 SM120PRL 4 binary Length of product section. 36 24 SM120PRN 4 binary Number of product sections. Individual header extension for subtype 1 40 28 SM120SAS 4 binary Offset to server activity section from RDW 44 2C SM120SAL 4 binary Length of server activity section 48 30 SM120SAN 4 binary Number of server activity sections 52 34 SM120CSS 4 binary Offset to communication session section from RDW 56 38 SM120CSL 4 binary Length of communication session section 60 3C SM120CSN 4 binary Number of communication session sections 64 40 SM120JHS 4 binary Offset to JVM heap section from RDW 68 44 SM120JHL 4 binary Length of JVM heap section 72 48 SM120JHN 4 binary Number of jvm heap sections Individual header extension for subtype 3 40 28 SM120SIS 4 binary Offset to server interval section from RDW 44 2C SM120SIL 4 binary Length of server interval section 48 30 SM120SIN 4 binary Number of server interval sections The following triplet appears 0-n times; once for each server region section. 52 34 SM120SRS 4 binary Offset to server region section from RDW 56 38 SM120SRL 4 binary Length of server region section 60 3C SM120SRN 4 binary Number of server region sections Individual header extension for subtype 5 40 28 SM120JA1 4 binary Offset to J2EE container activity section from RDW 44 2C SM120JA2 4 binary Length of J2EE container activity section 48 30 SM120JA3 4 binary Number of J2EE container activity sections The following triplet appears 0-n times; once for each bean section. 52 34 SM120JAS 4 binary Offset to bean section from RDW 56 38 SM120JAL 4 binary Length of bean section 60 3C SM120JAN 4 binary Number of bean sections Individual header extension for subtype 6 40 28 SM120JI1 4 binary Offset to J2EE container interval section from RDW 44 2C SM120JI2 4 binary Length of J2EE container interval section 48 30 SM120JI3 4 binary Number of J2EE container interval sections The following triplet appears 0-n times; once for each bean section. 52 34 SM120JIS 4 binary Offset to bean section from RDW 56 38 SM120JIL 4 binary Length of bean section 60 3C SM120JIN 4 binary Number of bean sections Individual header extension for subtype 7 40 28 SM120WA1 4 binary Offset to WebContainer activity section from RDW. 44 2C SM120WA2 4 binary Length of WebContainer activity section. 48 30 SM120WA3 4 binary Number of WebContainer activity sections. 52 34 SM120WA4 4 binary Offset to HttpSessionManager activity section from RDW. 56 38 SM120WA5 4 binary Length of HttpSessionManager activity section. 60 3C SM120WA6 4 binary Number of HttpSessionManager activity sections. The following triplet appears 0-n times; once for each WebApplication section. 64 40 SM120WA7 4 binary Offset to WebApplication section from RDW. 68 44 SM120WA8 4 binary Length of WebApplication section. 72 48 SM120WA9 4 binary Number of WebApplication sections. Individual header extension for subtype 8 40 28 SM120WI1 4 binary Offset to WebContainer interval section from RDW. 44 2C SM120WI2 4 binary Length of WebContainer interval section. 48 30 SM120WI3 4 binary Number of WebContainer interval sections. 52 34 SM120WI4 4 binary Offset to HttpSessionManager interval section from RDW. 56 38 SM120WI5 4 binary Length of HttpSessionManager interval section. 60 3C SM120WI6 4 binary Number of HttpSessionManager interval sections. The following triplet appears 0-n times; once for each WebApplication section. 64 40 SM120WI7 4 binary Offset to WebApplication section from RDW. 68 44 SM120WI8 4 binary Length of WebApplication section. 72 48 SM120WI9 4 binary Number of WebApplication sections. Individual header extension for subtype 9 24 18 SM1209AA 4 binary Subtype version number 28 1C SM1209AB 4 binary Number of triplets 32 20 SM1209AC 4 binary Index of this record 36 24 SM1209AD 4 binary Total number of records 40 28 SM1209AE 8 EBCDIC Record continuation token The following triplet appears for the Platform neutral server information section. 48 30 SM1209AF 4 binary The offset to the Platform neutral server information section 52 34 SM1209AG 4 binary The length of the Platform neutral server information section 56 38 SM1209AH 4 binary The number of Platform neutral server information sections The following triplet appears for the z/OS server information section. 60 3C SM1209AI 4 binary The offset to the z/OSserver information section 64 40 SM1209AJ 4 binary The length of the z/OSserver information section 68 44 SM1209AK 4 binary The number of z/OSserver information sections The following triplet appears for the Platform neutral request information section. 72 48 SM1209AL 4 binary The offset to the Platform neutral request information section 76 4C SM1209AM 4 binary The length of the Platform neutral request information section 80 50 SM1209AN 4 binary The number of Platform neutral request information sections The following triplet appears for the z/OSrequest information section. 84 54 SM1209AO 4 binary The offset to the z/OSrequest information section 88 58 SM1209AP 4 binary The length of the z/OSrequest information section 92 5C SM1209AQ 4 binary The number of z/OSrequest information sections The following triplet appears for the z/OS formatted timestamps section. This section contains zeros when the formatted timestamps are not being collected. 96 60 SM1209AR 4 binary The offset to the z/OSformatted timestamps section 100 64 SM1209AS 4 binary The length of the z/OSformatted timestamps section 104 68 SM1209AT 4 binary The number of z/OSformatted timestamps sections The following triplet contains network information. Only one version of this section appears for IIOP, HTTP transports, and SIP transports. This section does not appear for MDBs, or for internal protocols. 108 6C SM1209AU 4 binary The offset to the Network data for HTTP, SIP and IIOP transports section 112 70 SM1209AV 4 binary The length of the Network data for HTTP, SIP and IIOP transports section 116 74 SM1209AW 4 binary The number of Network data for HTTP, SIP and IIOP transports sections The following triplet appears for the Classification data section. 120 78 SM1209AX 4 binary The offset to the Classification data section 124 7C SM1209AY 4 binary The length of the Classification data section 128 80 SM1209AZ 4 binary The number of Classification data sections The following triplet appears for the Security data section. 132 84 SM1209BA 4 binary The offset to the Security data section 136 88 SM1209BB 4 binary The length of the Security data section 140 8C SM1209BC 4 binary The number of Security data sections The following triplet appears 0-30 times for the CPU usage breakdown sections. 144 90 SM1209BD 4 binary The offset to the CPU usage breakdown 148 94 SM1209BE 4 binary The length of the CPU usage breakdown section 152 98 SM1209BF 4 binary The number of CPU usage breakdown sections The following triplet appears for the user data section. 156 9C SM1209FB 4 binary The offset to the user data section 160 A0 SM1209FC 4 binary The length of the user data section 164 A4 SM1209FD 4 binary The number of user data sections The following triplet appears for the asynchronous data section. 168 A8 SM1209GB 4 binary The offset to the asynchronous data section 172 AC SM1209GC 4 binary The length of the asynchronous data section 176 B0 SM1209GD 4 binary The number of asynchronous data sections 180 B4 * 24
Reserved Individual header extension for subtype 10 24 18 SM120AAA 4 binary Subtype version number 28 1C SM120AAB 4 binary Number of triplets 32 20 SM120AAC 4 binary Index of this record 36 24 SM120AAD 4 binary Total number of records 40 28 SM120AAE 8 EBCDIC Record continuation token The following triplet appears for the Platform neutral server information section. 48 30 SM120AAF 4 binary The offset to the Platform neutral server information section 52 34 SM120AAG 4 binary The length of the Platform neutral server information section 56 38 SM120AAH 4 binary The number of Platform neutral server information sections The following triplet appears for the z/OSserver information section. 60 3C SM120AAI 4 binary The offset to the z/OSserver information section 64 40 SM120AAJ 4 binary The length of the z/OSserver information section 68 44 SM120AAK 4 binary The number of z/OSserver information sections The following triplet appears for the common outbound request information section. 72 48 SM120AAL 4 binary The offset to the Outbound request information section 76 4C SM120AAM 4 binary The length of the Outbound request information section 80 50 SM120AAN 4 binary The number of Outbound request information sections The following triplet appears for the WOLA outbound request type specific information section. 84 54 SM120AAR 4 binary The offset to the WOLA outbound request type specific information section 88 58 SM120AAS 4 binary The length of the WOLA outbound request type specific information section 92 5C SM120AAT 4 binary The number of WOLA outbound request type specific information sections The following triplet appears for the outbound request transaction context section. 96 60 SM120AAU 4 binary The offset to the outbound request transaction context section 100 64 SM120AAV 4 binary The length of the outbound request transaction context section 104 68 SM120AAW 4 binary The number of outbound request transaction context sections The following triplet appears for the outbound request security context section. 108 6C SM120AAX 4 binary The offset to the outbound request security context section. 112 70 SM120AAY 4 binary The length of the outbound request security context section. 116 74 SM120AAZ 4 binary The number of outbound request security context sections The following triplet appears for the outbound request CICS context section. 120 78 SM120AA1 4 binary The offset to the outbound request CICS context section 124 7C SM120AA2 4 binary The length of the outbound request CICS context section 128 80 SM120AA3 4 binary The number of outbound request CICS context sections The following triplet appears for the OTMA outbound request type specific section. 132 84 SM120AA4 4 binary The offset to the OTMA outbound request type specific section 136 88 SM120AA5 4 binary The length of the OTMA outbound request type specific section 140 8C SM120AA6 4 binary The number of OTMA outbound request type specific sections The following area is reserved for future triplets. 144 90 * 60 binary Reserved
Collecting job-related information with the System Management Facility (SMF) Triplets SMF Subtype 1: Server activity record SMF Subtype 3: Server interval record SMF Subtype 5: J2EE container activity record (v2) SMF Subtype 6: J2EE container interval record (v2) SMF Subtype 7: WebContainer activity record (v2) SMF Subtype 8: WebContainer interval record (v2) SMF Subtype 9: Request Activity record SMF Subtype 10: Outbound Request record
MVS System Management Facilities (SMF)