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View saved job content

Use the page to view the xJCL content of a saved job. We might view the save content to determine if it is correct or if make adjustments.

To view this page, click Job Repository > View saved jobs > Select_job.

Privileges in the job management console vary depending on group security and assigned roles. A user in the lrsubmitter role or the lradmin role can view saved job content. When group security is enabled, a user in the group can view saved job content for a job in the group.

When the option for group security and role security is enabled, a user in the group can view saved job content in the group. A user can be in the lrsubmitter role or the lradmin role.


Click Back to return to the list of saved jobs.

  • Welcome to the job management console
  • View jobs
  • View job log
  • Submit a job
  • Save a job
  • View saved jobs
  • View schedules
  • Create a schedule
  • Update schedule