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Create a schedule

Use the wizard to create a schedule of events that occur for a job.

To view this page, click Schedule management > Create a schedule.

Use the wizard to specify information.

Privileges in the job management console vary, depending on group security and assigned roles.

Step 1: Create schedule

All of the fields on this panel are required.


Name of the schedule we want to create.

Start date

Specify the start date for the schedule to begin. The start date must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd.

Start time

Specify the start time for the schedule to begin. The start time must be in the format HH:mm:ss.


Specify the interval period as either daily, weekly, or monthly for the schedule to run.

Click Next.

Step 2: Specify job

Path of the job definition to submit as a new job.

Local file system

Browse for the job definition from the local file system.

Remote file system

Browse for the job definition from the job repository system.

Path and click Next.

Step 2.1: Specify substitution properties

Specifies values for substitution properties for this job.

This step opens if the job definition contains substitution properties.

Specify values, and click Next.

Step 3: Confirm create schedule

Lists a summary of our selections.

To complete this schedule submission, click Finish.

  • Welcome to the job management console
  • View jobs
  • View job log
  • Submit a job
  • View saved jobs
  • Save a job
  • View saved job content
  • View schedules
  • Update schedule