Save a job
Use the page to save a job definition to the job repository.
To view this page, click Job Repository > Save a job.
Privileges in the job management console vary depending on group security and assigned roles.
- A user in the lradmin role can save a job, but a user in the lrsubmitter role or the lrmonitor role cannot.
- When group security is enabled, a user in the group can save a job in the group.
- When the option for group security and role security is enabled, a user in the group can save a job in the group. The user must be in the lradmin role.
Job name
The job name.
Click Save to save the new job definition. Click Reset to start over.
xJCL path
Describes the xJCL path.
Replace the job if the specified job name exists
Replace the job definition in the repository if one exists. The job definition is replaced when you click Save.
Leaving the check box cleared means that the job definition is not replaced when you click Save.
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