Script for batch applications
Use wsadmin scripts to remove the common batch container from the deployment target or redeploy the common batch container on the deployment target. Also, we can use the JobSchedulerCommands command group to show or modify job scheduler attributes, and to create, modify, remove, or list job scheduler custom properties.
- jobrecovery.bat|.sh batch script
Use the jobrecovery script to enable a secondary site to take over when the primary site fails.- uteconfig.bat|.sh batch script
Use the uteconfig script to configure the unit test environment (UTE). Run the script to create a job scheduler configuration on the WebSphere Application Server profile used in Rational Application Developer.- batch script
Use the Jython script to assign the shared library to the job scheduler.- batch script
Use the Jython script to remove the common batch container from the deployment target.- batch script
Use the Jython script to redeploy the job scheduler on the deployment target.- batch script
Use the script to configure the three steps required for configuring the external scheduler interface.- JobSchedulerCommands
Use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to configure the job scheduler with the wsadmin tool. The commands in the JobSchedulerCommands command group can be used to manage configuration attributes and custom properties.