WAS v8.5 > Reference > Developer best practicesInternationalization service errors
Certain conditions might cause the internationalization service not to start, to issue java.lang.IllegalStateException exceptions while an application is running, or to exercise default behaviors.
The java.lang.IllegalStateException exception indicates one of the following things:
- An application component attempted an operation not supported by the internationalization programming model.
The IllegalStateException exception is issued whenever a server application component whose internationalization type is set to container-managed internationalization (CMI) attempts to set invocation context. This behavior is a violation of the CMI policy, under which servlets and enterprise beans cannot modify their invocation internationalization context.
- An anomaly occurred that disabled the service.
For instance, if the internationalization service is not properly initialized, the JNDI lookup on the UserInternationalization URL attribute issues a javax.naming.NameNotFoundException exception containing an IllegalStateException instance.
The following conditions can occur while your internationalized application is running. These conditions might cause the internationalization service not to start, to issue IllegalStateException exceptions, or to exercise default behaviors:
- The service is disabled
- The service is not started
- Invalid context element
- Missing context element
- Invalid policy
- Missing policy
If we encounter unexpected or exceptional behavior, the problem is likely related to one of these conditions. You need to examine the trace log to investigate these conditions, which requires that you configure the diagnostic trace service to generate messages about internationalization service function.
The trace strings for the internationalization service follow; use both:
The service is disabled
The internationalization service is not initialized when the startup setting is cleared. The service generates a message that indicates whether it is enabled or disabled. Applications cannot access the internationalization API when the service is disabled. If an application attempts a JNDI lookup to obtain the UserInternationalization reference, the lookup fails with a NamingException exception, indicating the reference cannot be found. In addition, the service does not scope (propagate) internationalization context on incoming (outgoing) business method calls.
The service is not started
The internationalization service is operational whenever it is in the STARTED state. For example, if an application attempts to access internationalization context and the service is not started, the API issues an IllegalStateException exception. In addition, the service does not provide runtime support for servlets and enterprise beans.
As an application server progresses through its life cycle, it initializes, starts, stops, and terminates (destroys) the internationalization service. If an anomaly occurs during initialization, the service does not start. After the service is started, its state can change to BLOCKED in the event that a serious error occurs. The service generates a message for every state change.
If a trace message indicates the service is not STARTED, examine previous messages to determine the problem. For instance, the internationalization service does not start if the activity service is unavailable and a message is displayed to that effect during initialization of the internationalization service.
During startup, the following messages indicate potential configuration or runtime problems:
- No ORB support
- The service cannot obtain an instance of the object request broker (ORB). This condition is a fatal error. Examine the SystemErr.log and SystemOut.log files for information.
As a recommended alternative, we can configure the server to use the HPEL log and trace infrastructure instead of using SystemOut.log , SystemErr.log, trace.log, and activity.log files on distributed and IBM i systems. If we are using HPEL, we can access all of the log and trace information using the LogViewer command-line tool in PROFILE/bin.
- No TCM support
- The service cannot obtain an instance of its thread context manager (TCM). This condition is a fatal error. Examine the SystemErr.log and SystemOut.log files for information.
- No IIOP (activity service) support
- The service cannot register with the activity service. This condition is a fatal error. The internationalization service cannot propagate or receive context on Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) requests without activity service support. Examine the SystemErr.log and SystemOut.log files for information.
- No AsynchBeans support
- The service cannot register into the asynchronous beans environment. This warning indicates the asynchronous beans environment cannot support internationalization context.
- No EJB container support
- The service cannot register with the EJB container. This warning indicates the internationalization service cannot support enterprise beans. Without EJB container support, internationalization contexts do not scope properly to EJB business methods. Review the trace log for any EJB container-related error conditions.
- No Web container support
- The service cannot register with the Web container. This warning indicates the internationalization service cannot support servlets and JavaServer Page (JSP) files. Without Web container support, internationalization contexts do not scope properly to servlet service methods. Review the trace log for any Web container-related error conditions.
- No Metadata support
- The service cannot register with the metadata service. This warning indicates the internationalization service cannot process the internationalization policies within application deployment descriptors. Without metadata support, the service associates the default internationalization context management policy, [CMI, RunAsCaller], to every servlet lifecycle method and enterprise bean business method invocation. Review the trace log for any metadata service-related error conditions.
- No JNDI (Naming service) support
- The service cannot bind the UserInternationalization object into the namespace. This condition is a fatal error. Application components are unable to access internationalization context API references, and are therefore unable to access internationalization context elements. Review the trace log for any Naming (JNDI) service-related error conditions.
- No API support
- The service cannot obtain an instance of an internationalization context API object. This condition is a fatal error. Application components are unable to access internationalization context API references, and are therefore unable to access internationalization context elements.
Invalid context element
The service detected an invalid internationalization context element. For example, the internationalization service does not support TimeZone instances of a type other than java.util.SimpleTimeZone. If the service encounters an unusable element, it logs a message and substitutes the corresponding default element of the JVM.
Missing context element
The service detected a missing internationalization context element. Incoming requests (for example, from application servers that do not support the internationalization service) lack internationalization context. When the service attempts to access a caller internationalization context element (which does not exist in this case), the service logs a message and substitutes the corresponding default element of the JVM.
Whenever possible, enable the internationalization service within all clients and hosting application servers that comprise an internationalized enterprise application. For more information see Administer the internationalization service.
Invalid policy
The internationalization service detected a malformed internationalization policy in the application deployment descriptor. The service replaces the malformed attribute with the appropriate default. For instance, if the internationalization type for an entity bean is set to Application during the run of a servlet or EJB business method call, the service logs the inconsistency and enforces the Container setting instead.
Also, AMI application components do have an implicit container internationalization attribute. By default they run as server. The service silently enforces the implicit policy, [AMI, RunAsServer], and logs messages to this effect.
Invalid container internationalization attributes are likely to occur when specifying the Locales and Time zone ID fields. When encountering invalid locales and time zone IDs within attributes, the service replaces each value with the corresponding default element of the JVM. Be sure to follow the guidelines provided in Assemble internationalized applications.
Missing policy
The service detected a missing internationalization policy. The service replaces the missing policy with the appropriate default. For instance, if the internationalization type is missing for a servlet or enterprise bean, the service sets the attribute to Container.
Container internationalization attributes are not mandatory for CMI application components. In the event that a CMI servlet or EJB business method lacks a container internationalization attribute, the service silently enforces the implicit policy [CMI, RunAsCaller].
When an application lacks internationalization policies in its deployment descriptor, or metadata support is unavailable, the service logs a message and applies the policy [CMI, RunAsCaller] on every servlet service method and EJB business method invocation.
For more information, see the following topics:
- Assemble internationalized applications
- Container internationalization attributes
- Internationalization type
Troubleshoot applications with HPEL
Application startup problems