WAS v8.5 > Script the application serving environment (wsadmin) > Use properties files to manage system configuration > Manage specific configuration objects using properties files

Use application properties files to install, update, and delete enterprise application files

We can use application properties files to install enterprise application files on a server, update deployed applications or modules, or uninstall deployed applications or modules. An enterprise application file must conform to Java EE specifications.

Before we can install enterprise application files on an application server, you must assemble modules as needed. Also, configure the target application server. As part of configuring the server, determine whether the application files can be installed to your deployment targets.

Start the wsadmin scripting tool. To start wsadmin using the Jython language, run the wsadmin -lang Jython command from the bin directory of the deployment target profile. Using an application properties file, we can install, update, or uninstall an enterprise application or module.

Run administrative commands using wsadmin to deploy an application.

Actions for application properties files. We can specify properties that install, update, or uninstall applications.

Action Procedure
create (install)

  1. Specify properties that identify the application and deployment target.

  2. Run the applyConfigProperties command to install the application.

modify (update)

  1. Edit application properties in the properties file. To update an application file, specify in the Properties section:

    • Update=true
    • operationType=add, operationType=update or operationType=delete
    • contentType=file, contentType=moduleFile, contentType=partialapp, or contentType=app

  2. 2. Run the applyConfigProperties command to update the deployed application.

delete (uninstall)

  1. Remove properties that identify the deployment target from the properties file.

  2. Run the deleteConfigProperties command to uninstall the deployed application.

create Property Not applicable
delete Property Not applicable

Optionally, we can use interactive mode with the commands:

Instead of running wsadmins manually to apply an application properties file, we can add the properties file to a monitored directory. WAS v8.5 automatically runs wsadmins. See Installing enterprise application files by adding properties files to a monitored directory.

If you are installing a stand-alone web application archive (WAR) or a SIP archive (SAR), specify the context root of the WAR or SAR file. The context root is combined with the defined servlet mapping (from the WAR file) to compose the full URL that users type to access the servlet. For example, if the context root is /gettingstarted and the servlet mapping is MySession, then the URL is http://host:port/gettingstarted/MySession.

This topic describes how to complete the following procedures:


We can use the properties file to manage the application object and its properties.

Save the changes to your configuration.


Related concepts:

Installable enterprise module versions


Assemble applications
Install enterprise application files by adding properties files to a monitored directory


Properties file syntax
Prepare for application update settings
PropertiesBasedConfiguration command group for AdminTask using wsadmin.sh


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