WAS v8.5 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)

WSSecurity policy and binding properties

Use the attributes parameter for the setPolicyType and setBinding commands to specify additional configuration information for the WSSecurity policy and binding configurations. Application and system policy sets can use the WSSecurity policy and binding configuration.

Before using the commands in this topic, verify that you are using the most recent version of wsadmin. The policy set management commands that accept a properties object as the value for the attributes or bindingLocation parameters are not supported on previous versions of wsadmin. For example, the commands do not run on a v6.1.0.x node.

Use the following commands and parameters in the PolicySetManagement group of AdminTask to customize your policy set configuration.

If a property name or value supplied with the -attributes parameter is not valid, then the setPolicyType and setBinding commands fail with an exception. The property not valid is logged as an error or warning in the SystemOut.log file. However, the command exception might not contain the detailed information for the property that caused the exception. When the setPolicyType and setBinding commands fail, examine the SystemOut.log file for any error and warning messages that indicate the input for the -attributes parameter contains one or multiple properties that are not valid.

IBM recommends using the HPEL log and trace infrastructure. With HPEL, one views logs using the LogViewer command-line tool in PROFILE/bin.

For transitioning users: In WAS v7.0 and later, the security model was enhanced to a domain-centric security model instead of a server-based security model. The configuration of the default global security (cell) level and default server level bindings has also changed in this version of the product. In the WAS v6.1 Feature Pack for Web Services, we can configure one set of default bindings for the cell and optionally configure one set of default bindings for each server. In v7.0 and later, we can configure one or more general service provider bindings and one or more general service client bindings. After we have configured general bindings, we can specify which of these bindings is the global default binding. We can also optionally specify general binding used as the default for an application server or a security domain. trns

To support a mixed-cell environment, WAS supports v7.0 and v6.1 bindings. General cell-level bindings are specific to v7.0 and later Application-specific bindings remain at the version the application requires. When the user creates an application-specific binding, the application server determines the required binding version to use for application.

If the attributes parameter is not specified for the getPolicyType or getBinding command, the command returns all properties. If a partial property name is passed to the getPolicyType or getBinding command, the command returns all properties with names that start with the partial property name. For example, If SignatureProtection is passed to the getPolicyType command, the command returns all properties with names that start with "SignatureProtection", which might include:


There are an extensive number of combinations of settings available to secure the web service applications. Because of the number of attributes and configuration options from the WS-Security v1.0 specification, all attributes are not defined in this topic. The following sections explain the hierarchy structure for the WSSecurity policy and binding attributes:

WSSecurity policy properties

Use the getPolicyType command to review a properties object with the properties configured in your current WSSecurity policy file. Security policy schemata define the security assertions. Because the elements in the schema have hierarchical relationship, the property names for security policy also have the similar hierarchy. The hierarchical relationship between property names in the security policy is represented by a period (.) between two levels, concatenating the parent and child attributes. Examples of the properties include, but are not limited to, IncludeToken, Name, Namespace, XPath, XPathVersion. The following list describes the top-level assertion policy property names for the WSSecurity policy file:


We can specify zero or one binding assertion.


We can specify zero or one binding assertion. AsymmetricBinding and SymmetricBinding cannot co-exist in a security policy file.


We can specify zero or one Wss11 assertion.


We can specify zero or one Wss10 assertion.


We can specify zero or one Trust10 assertion.


We can specify zero or any number of signature protection assertions.


We can specify zero or any number of encryption protection assertions


We can specify zero or any number of supporting token assertions.

For example, the following policy file example displays an AsymmetricBinding assertion:

    <sp:AsymmetricBinding>       <wsp:Policy>         <sp:InitiatorSignatureToken>           <wsp:Policy>             <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy
      /200512/IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient">               <wsp:Policy>                 <sp:WssX509V3Token10 />               </wsp:Policy>             </sp:X509Token>           </wsp:Policy>         </sp:InitiatorSignatureToken>         <sp:RecipientSignatureToken>           <wsp:Policy>             <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy
      /200512/IncludeToken/AlwaysToInitiator">               <wsp:Policy>                 <sp:WssX509V3Token10 />               </wsp:Policy>             </sp:X509Token>           </wsp:Policy>         </sp:RecipientSignatureToken>         <sp:AlgorithmSuite>           <wsp:Policy>             <sp:Basic256/>           </wsp:Policy>         </sp:AlgorithmSuite>         <sp:Layout>           <wsp:Policy>             <sp:Strict/>           </wsp:Policy>         </sp:Layout>       </wsp:Policy>     </sp:AsymmetricBinding><sp:AsymmetricBinding>       <wsp:Policy>         <sp:InitiatorSignatureToken>           <wsp:Policy>             <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy
      /200512/IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient">               <wsp:Policy>                 <sp:WssX509V3Token10 />               </wsp:Policy>             </sp:X509Token>           </wsp:Policy>         </sp:InitiatorSignatureToken>         <sp:RecipientSignatureToken>           <wsp:Policy>             <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy
      /200512/IncludeToken/AlwaysToInitiator">               <wsp:Policy>                 <sp:WssX509V3Token10 />               </wsp:Policy>             </sp:X509Token>           </wsp:Policy>         </sp:RecipientSignatureToken>       </wsp:Policy>       <sp:AlgorithmSuite>         <wsp:Policy>           <sp:Basic256/>         </wsp:Policy>       </sp:AlgorithmSuite>       <sp:Layout>         <wsp:Policy>           <sp:Strict/>         </wsp:Policy>       </sp:Layout>     </sp:AsymmetricBinding>

The AsymmetricBinding assertion returns the following property name and value pairs. The nested wsp:Policy layers are not displayed in the returned properties. Additionally, some properties return the true value which indicates the WSSecurity configuration includes the related XML elements. To edit these properties, set the value as true to include the property, or set the value as an empty string, "", to remove the property.

AsymmetricBinding.Layout = Strict
AsymmetricBinding.AlgorithmSuite.Basic256 = true
AsymmetricBinding.RecipientSignatureToken.X509Token_0.IncludeToken = http://docs.oasis-open.org
AsymmetricBinding.InitiatorSignatureToken.X509Token_0.WssX509V3Token10 = true
AsymmetricBinding.InitiatorSignatureToken.X509Token_0.IncludeToken = http://docs.oasis-open.org
AsymmetricBinding.RecipientSignatureToken.X509Token_0.WssX509V3Token10 = true

Additionally, the following policy file example displays a SupportingTokens assertion:

<sp:SupportingTokens>         <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="request:custom_auth">             <spe:CustomToken sp:IncludeToken="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/
       ws-securitypolicy/200512/IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient">                 <wsp:Policy>                     <spe:WssCustomToken uri=http://bar.com/MyCustomToken localname="tokenv1">                     </spe:WssCustomToken>                 </wsp:Policy>             </spe:CustomToken>         </wsp:Policy>     </sp:SupportingTokens

The SupportingTokens assertion returns the following property name and value pairs. The nested wsp:Policy layers are not displayed in the returned property.


The CustomToken property contains a subscript zero notation ( _0 ) because the property might be displayed multiple times from the same type of token such as the RecipientSignatureToken or InitiatorSignatureToken tokens.

Although most property names follow the hierarchical relationship format described previously, the following exceptions exist:

WSSecurity binding properties

Use the getBinding command to review a properties object with the properties configured in your current WSSecurity binding configuration. We can also use the dmgr console to configure your WSSecurity bindings. Use the information center topics for configuring WSSecurity bindings with dmgr console for more information.

The properties defined in this section reflect the hierarchy of the binding schema. Each part of the property name is a lowercase version of the schema type. For example, the application.securityinboundbindingconfig.tokenconsumer_0.jaasconfig.configname property follows the hierarchal format. The attributes begin with application or bootstrap. Attributes that begin with application represent bindings associated with the main WS-Security policy. Attributes that begin with bootstrap represent bindings associated with the WS-Security bootstrap policy, where the WS-Security policy uses Secure Conversation.

Some property names might have an _n notation appended to them. This notation represents a list of items. For example, multiple tokenconsumer properties exist and are listed from tokenconsumer_0 through tokenconsumer_n, where the set of tokenconsumer values are:


Additionally, some properties in the security binding file return a value of true when queried. To set these properties, set the value to true to include the property, or set the value to an empty string ("") to remove the property. For example, the time stamp, nonce, and trustAnyCertificate properties follow this pattern.

Use the setBinding command and the attributes parameter to add or remove properties to your WSSecurity binding configuration.

The following examples display several sets of properties to configure for the binding. This list does not include all properties to configure for the WSSecurity binding. Use this information as a reference to determine how to form specific property names.

signinginfo element

Use this property to configure signing information. For a custom binding, an unlimited number of signinginfo elements specified for the securityoutboundbindingconfig and securityinboundbindingconfig assertions can exist. In the default bindings, the system allows a maximum of two signinginfo elements for the securityoutboundbindingconfig and securityinboundbindingconfig assertions. The following example displays the format for two signinginfo elements:

encryptioninfo element

Use this property to configure encryption information. For a custom binding, an unlimited number of encryptioninfo elements specified for the securityoutboundbindingconfig and securityinboundbindingconfig assertions can exist. In the default bindings, the system accepts a maximum of two encryptioninfo elements for the securityoutboundbindingconfig and securityinboundbindingconfig assertions. The following example displays the format for two encryptioninfo properties:

tokengenerator element

In the default bindings, the tokengenerator elements the signinginfo or encryptioninfo elements do not reference are considered to be authentication token generators. Each authentication token generator must have a unique valuetype element. The following example displays an example of a generator for an X.509 protection token:
OU=TRL, O=IBM, ST=Kanagawa, C=JP

The following example displays a generator for a username authentication token:


tokenconsumer element

In the default bindings, the tokenconsumer elements the signinginfo or encryptioninfo elements do not reference are authentication token consumers. Each authentication token consumer must have a unique valuetype element. The following example displays the format for a set of tokenconsumer elements:

actor element

Defines the actor uniform resource identifier (URI) to be included in the WSSecurity headers of a generated message, as displayed by the following example:

certstorelist element

Defines certificate store configurations and signing information, as displayed by the following example:

keyinfo element

Defines key information for signing and encryption configurations, as displayed by the following example:

trustanchor property

Defines configuration information used to validate the trust of the signer certificate, as displayed by the following example:

timestampexpires element

Defines an expiration date for the configuration, as displayed by the following example:



Order for a caller when using wsadmin scripts, where X is the unique string that identifies the instance of the caller:

    -attributes [[application.securityinboundbindingconfig.caller_0.order 2]]

setPolicyType and setBinding command examples

Use the previous reference information with the setPolicyType and setBinding commands to modify your policy and binding configuration data.

The dmgr console command assistance provides incorrect Jython syntax for the setPolicyType command. The XPath expression for the response message part protection of the Username WSSecurity policy set contains single quotes (') within each XPath property value, which Jython does not support. To fix the command from the dmgr console command assistance, add a backslash character (\) before each single quote to escape the single quote.

The following example uses the setBinding command to set the enabled and provides properties for the myCustomSecurityPS custom policy set, which contains a ReliableMessaging policy:

AdminTask.setBinding('[-bindingLocation "" -bindingName cellWideBinding2 -policyType
 -attributes [[application.securityinboundbindingconfig.caller_0.order 2][inResponsewithSSL:configAlias 
[inResponsewithSSL:config properties_directory/ssl.client.props]
[outAsyncResponsewithSSL:configFile properties_directory/ssl.client.props]
[outAsyncResponsewithSSL:configAlias NodeDefaultSSLSetings]
[outRequestwithSSL:configFile properties_directory/ssl.client.props]
[outRequestwithSSL:configAlias NodeDefaultSSLSettings]]]')

The following setPolicyType command enables the WSSecurity policy and creates a signature protection assertion:

AdminTask.setPolicyType('-policySet myPolicySet -policyType WSSecurity -attributes 
"[[enabled true][provides 

The following setBinding command specifies key information for a server-specific binding:

AdminTask.setBinding('-policyType WSSecurity -bindingLocation "[[server server1][node 
-attributes "[[application.securityinboundbindingconfig.keyinfo_0.name dec_server_keyinfo]
[application.securityinboundbindingconfig.keyinfo_0.type STRREF]]"')

The following setBinding command specifies key information for an attachment-specific binding:

AdminTask.setBinding('-policyType WSSecurity -bindingLocation "[[application PolicySet]
[attachmentId 999]]" 
-attributes "[[application.securityinboundbindingconfig.keyinfo_0.name dec_app_keyinfo]
[application.securityinboundbindingconfig.keyinfo_0.type STRREF]]" -attachmentType application 
 -bindingName myBindingName')

The following setBinding command specifies trust anchor information for a cell-wide binding:

AdminTask.setBinding('-policyType WSSecurity -bindingLocation "" -attributes 
"[application.securityinboundbindingconfig.trustanchor_0.name DigSigTrustAnchor2]"')

Related concepts:

Web Services Security default policy sets


Configure application and system policy sets for web services using wsadmin.sh
Configure the WS-Security policy
Troubleshoot applications with HPEL


PolicySetManagement command group for AdminTask



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