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Service integration bus links [Collection]

This pane displays links between this messaging engine and messaging engines in foreign service integration buses.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Foreign bus connections -> foreign_bus_name -> [Related Items] Service integration bus links

To browse or change the properties of a listed item, select its name in the list.

To act on one or more of the listed items, select the check boxes next to the names of the items to act on, use the buttons provided.

To change which entries are listed, or to change the level of detail that is displayed for those entries, use the Filter settings.

An individual messaging engine can have links to messaging engines in a number of different foreign buses. However, we can have only one service integration bus link between a pair of buses.

Status can take the following values:

service integration bus link. The second column contains a brief definition
Status Definition
Start The service integration bus link is started on the local messaging engine but has no connection to the foreign bus. The service integration bus link is attempting to activate a connection to the foreign bus. The service integration bus link on the foreign bus must also be started to enable the successful activation of a connection between the buses.
Started The service integration bus link is started on the local messaging engine and has an active connection to the foreign bus.
Stopped The service integration bus link is stopped on the local messaging engine and there is no connection to the foreign bus.
Unknown The deployment manager cannot contact a remote server to determine the status.


The name of the service integration bus link. To work, the name must be the same as the name of the corresponding service integration bus link configured on the target foreign bus.


An optional description for the service integration bus link, for administrative purposes.


The universal unique identifier assigned by the system to the service integration bus link for administrative purposes.

Local messaging engine

The local messaging engine that this service integration bus link is hosted on.

Foreign messaging engine

The messaging engine on the foreign bus to which this service integration bus link connects.


The runtime status of the service integration bus link.

Current outbound messages

The current total number of messages queued on the link transmitters to this service integration bus link.

Messages sent

The total number of messages sent on the link transmitters to this service integration bus link since the messaging engine was started.

Current inbound messages

The current total number of messages queued pending receipt on the link receivers for this service integration bus link.

Messages received

The total number of messages received on the link receivers for this service integration bus link since the messaging engine was started.


Button Description
Start Start selected items.
Stop Stop selected items.

Related concepts

  • Foreign buses

    Related tasks

  • Configure service integration bus links

  • Configure foreign bus connections

  • Configure exception destination processing for a link to a foreign bus

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons

  • Administrative console preference settings Reference topic