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Value set settings

We can view the attributes of a value set in a UDDI node. To view this console page, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id > Value Sets > value_set_name.

This page shows the values of the keyedReference elements in the tModel entity that represents this value set. This page also shows the Supported status of the value set. All properties are read-only. To change the Supported status, use the Value sets collection page.


Whether this value set is categorized as unvalidatable, as described in the UDDI specification. The value set tModel publisher sets this value, to indicate whether the value set is available for use by publish requests.


Whether this value set is categorized as checked, as described in the UDDI specification. When this value is true, UDDI entities that reference this value set are validated to ensure that their values are present in this value set.


Whether this value set is cached in this UDDI node.

Externally cacheable

Whether this value set is externally cacheable.

Externally validated

Whether this value set is externally validated.


Whether this value set is supported by policy in this UDDI node.

Last cached

Date when this value set was last cached in the UDDI node.

Related tasks

  • Manage the UDDI registry

  • User-defined value set support in the UDDI registry

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons
  • Administrative console page features
  • UDDI node settings