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UDDI node settings

We can configure the general properties for a UDDI node. To view this console page, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id.

The UDDI node detail page displays general properties for the UDDI node. Depending on the status of the node, we can edit some properties. Use the links on this page to view or change additional properties, such as Value sets, Tiers and UDDI Publishers. Use the Policy Groups link on this page to view or change UDDI node policy.

Unless the UDDI node is installed as a default UDDI node, set certain general properties before we can initialize the UDDI node. These required properties are indicated by an asterisk (*) next to the relevant fields. We can set these property values as many times as we want before you initialize the UDDI node. However, after initialization, these properties become read-only for the lifetime of that UDDI node. Therefore, it is important to set the required properties correctly. We can set other general properties of the UDDI node both before and after initialization.

After setting the general properties to appropriate values, click OK to save the changes and exit the page, or Apply to save the changes and remain on the same page. At this point, the changes are stored.

If the status of the UDDI node is "Not initialized", an Initialize option is displayed. To initialize the UDDI node, ensure that you save any changes to the general properties by clicking Apply or OK, then click Initialize. This operation might take some time to complete.

UDDI node ID

Unique identifier for a UDDI node in a UDDI registry. The node ID must be a valid UDDI key. The value is also the domain key for the UDDI node.

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type String
Default uddi:cell_name:node:server_name:node_id

UDDI node description

Description of this UDDI node.

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type String
Default WebSphere UDDI registry default node

Root key generator

Root key space of the registry. For registries that can become affiliate registries, you might want to specify a root key space in a partition below the root key generator of the parent root registry, for example, uddi:thisregistry.com:keygenerator.

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type String
Default uddi:cell_name:node:server_name:keyspace_id:keygenerator

Prefix for generated discoveryURLs

Specifies the URL prefix that is applied to generated discoveryURLs in businessEntity elements, so that the discoveryURLs can be returned on HTTP GET requests. This property applies to UDDI version 2 API requests only. Set this prefix to a valid URL for the configuration, and do not change it unless absolutely necessary.

The format is http://hostname:port/uddisoap/, where uddisoap is the context root of the UDDI version 2 SOAP servlet.

Although this field is not required, you set it so that the required and valid URL is generated in response to version 2 GET requests. After setting the prefix, do not change it unless it becomes invalid following a later configuration change. If we change the prefix, any discoveryURLs that were generated using the earlier prefix no longer work.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String
Default http://localhost:9080/uddisoap

Host name for UDDI node services

Host name root that the UDDI node uses to model API services in its own node business entity. This value must be the fully qualified domain name, or IP address, of the network host.

The UDDI node provides web services that implement each of the UDDI API sets that it supports. The host name is used to generate access point URLs in the bindingTemplate elements for each of the services. The access point URL is generated by prefixing the host name value with a protocol, such as http, and suffixing it with the corresponding host port number. The access point URL must resolve to a valid URL.

Information Value
Data type String
Default localhost

Host HTTP port

Port number used to access UDDI node services with HTTP. This port number must match the WAS port for HTTP requests.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 9080

Host HTTPS port

Port number used to access UDDI node services with HTTPS. This port number must match the WAS port for HTTPS requests.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 9443

Maximum inquiry result set size

Maximum size of the result set that the registry processes for an inquiry API request.

If the result set exceeds this value, an E_resultSetTooLarge error is returned. If we set this value too low, and users use imprecise search criteria, it is more likely that an E_resultSetTooLarge error is returned. If we set this value higher, result sets are larger, but response times might increase.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 500
Range 0 to 1024

Maximum inquiry response set size

Maximum number of results that are returned in each response for inquiry API requests. Do not set this value higher than the value of Maximum inquiry result set size.

If the result set contains more results than this value, the response includes only a subset of those results. The user can retrieve the remaining results using the listDescription feature as described in the UDDI specification. If we set this value too low, the user must make more requests to retrieve the remainder of the result set.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 500
Range 0 to 1024

Maximum search names

Maximum number of names that can be supplied in an inquiry API request. If we set higher values, the UDDI node can process more complex requests, but complex requests can increase the response times of the UDDI node significantly. Therefore, to avoid increasing UDDI node response times, set this value to 8 or less.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 5
Range 1 to 64

Maximum search keys

Maximum number of keys that can be supplied in an inquiry API request. If we set higher values, the UDDI node can process more complex requests, but complex requests can increase the response times of the UDDI node significantly. Therefore, to avoid increasing UDDI node response times, set this value to 5 or less.

This value limits the number of references that can be specified in categoryBag, identifierBag, tModelBag and discoveryURLs elements.

In exceptional cases, the UDDI node might reject complex requests with too many keys, even if the value of maxSearchKeys is not exceeded.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 5
Range 1 to 64

Key space requests require digital signature

Whether tModel:keyGenerator requests must be digitally signed.

Information Value
Data type Boolean (check box)
Default False (cleared)

Use tier limits

Whether an approval manager is used to check publication tier limits. If we set this value to false, an unlimited number of UDDI entities can be published.

Information Value
Data type Boolean (check box)
Default True (selected)

Use authInfo credentials if provided

Whether authInfo contents in UDDI API requests are used to validate users when WebSphere Application Server administrative security is off. If we select this option, the UDDI node uses the authInfo element in the request. If we clear this option, the UDDI node uses the default user name.

Information Value
Data type Boolean (check box)
Default True (selected)

Authentication token expiry period

Period, in minutes, after which an authentication token is invalidated and a new authentication token is required.

Set this value high enough to allow the registry to operate successfully, but be aware that high values can increase the risk of illegal use of authentication tokens.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 30
Range 1 to 10080 minutes (10080 minutes = 1 week)

Automatically register UDDI publishers

Whether UDDI publishers are automatically registered and assigned to the default tier. Automatically registered UDDI publishers are given default entitlements.

Information Value
Data type Boolean (check box)
Default True (selected)

Default user name

User name used for publish operations when WebSphere Application Server administrative security is off and Use authInfo credentials if provided is set to false.

Information Value
Data type String

Default language code

Specifies, for UDDI version 1 and version 2 requests, the default language code to be used for the xml:lang element, when it is not otherwise specified.

Information Value
Data type String
Default en


Related concepts

  • UDDI registry Version 3 entity keys

    Related tasks

  • Initializing the UDDI registry node
  • Set up a default UDDI node

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons
  • Administrative console page features