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Value set collection

We can view and configure the value sets that are installed in a UDDI node. To view this console page, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id > Value Sets.

Value sets in a UDDI node are either supported or not supported by policy. By default, new value sets are not supported. After you publish a value set tModel entity and load value set data, we can control whether other UDDI entities can reference this value set tModel entity by setting the Supported policy.

To enable support for one or more value sets, select the value sets using the corresponding check boxes in the Select column, then click Enable Support. The Supported field for all the selected value sets is updated to a value of true to show the new status.

We might need to remove support for a value set before you remove the value set from the UDDI node. To remove support for a value set, select the corresponding check box, then click Disable Support. The corresponding Supported field is updated to a value of false to show the new status.

To view the attributes of a value set, click on the value set name in the list to display the Value set settings page.


Name of the tModel entity that represents this value set.


Specifies the key for the tModel entity that represents this value set.


Whether this value set is supported by policy in this UDDI node, where true means supported, and false means not supported.


Related tasks

  • Manage the UDDI registry

  • User-defined value set support in the UDDI registry

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons
  • Administrative console page features