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UDDI node API policy settings

For UDDI Version 3, we can view or edit the API settings for a UDDI registry node. To view this console page, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id > API policies.

This information applies only to UDDI Version 3; we cannot change the API settings for Versions 1 and 2. In Versions 1 and 2, authentication tokens are required for publish requests, but not for inquiry requests. Versions 1 and 2 do not have custody transfer requests.

Authorization for inquiry

Whether authorization that uses the authInfo element is required for inquiry API requests. This setting is relevant only if the V3SOAP_Inquiry_User_Role role is set to Everyone and WebSphere Application Server administrative security is on.

If WAS administrative security is off, this setting is ignored. If WAS administrative security is on, but the V3SOAP_Inquiry_User_Role role is not set to Everyone, this setting is ignored.

If this option is selected, an authorization token is required to complete the request. If this option is cleared, an authorization token is not required. If this option is cleared and an authorization token is supplied, the token is ignored and the request is processed as if the default user defined in the UDDI node settings made the request.

Typically, UDDI registries are configured to not require authorization for inquiry API requests.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default False (cleared)

Authorization for publish

Whether authorization that uses the authInfo element is required for publish API requests. This setting is relevant only if the V3SOAP_Publish_User_Role role is set to Everyone and WebSphere Application Server administrative security is on.

If WAS administrative security is off, this setting is ignored. If WAS administrative security is on, but the V3SOAP_Publish_User_Role role is not set to Everyone, this setting is ignored.

If this option is selected, an authorization token is required to complete the request. If this option is cleared, an authorization token is not required. If this option is cleared and an authorization token is supplied, the token is ignored and the request is processed as if the default user defined in the UDDI node settings made the request.

Typically, UDDI registries are configured to require authorization for publish API requests.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default True (selected)

Authorization for custody transfer

Whether authorization that uses the authInfo element is required for custody transfer API requests. This setting is relevant only if the V3SOAP_CustodyTransfer_User_Role role is set to Everyone and WebSphere Application Server administrative security is on.

If WAS administrative security is off, this setting is ignored. If WAS administrative security is on, but the V3SOAP_CustodyTransfer_User_Role role is not set to Everyone, this setting is ignored.

If this option is selected, an authorization token is required to complete the request. If this option is cleared, an authorization token is not required. If this option is cleared and an authorization token is supplied, the token is ignored and the request is processed as if the default user defined in the UDDI node settings made the request.

Typically, UDDI registries are configured to require authorization for custody transfer API requests.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default True (selected)

Related tasks

  • Configure UDDI security with WAS security enabled

    UDDI node settings

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons
  • Administrative console page features