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Provide options to perform the web services deployment settings

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We can specify the web services deployment options on this page only when installing or updating an application.

The wsdeploy command is supported by JAX-RPC applications. JAX-WS does not support wsdeploy. If the web services application contains only JAX-WS endpoints, we do not need to run wsdeploy, as this command is used to process only JAX-RPC endpoints.

The options specified set parameter values for wsdeploy. The wsdeploy command adds product-specific deployment classes to a web services-compatible EAR file or an application client JAR file. These classes include:

The wsdeploy command is run during installation after you click Finish on the Summary page of the wizard.

Deploy web services option - Classpath

Specifies entries to add to the CLASSPATH when the generated classes are compiled.

To specify the class paths of multiple entries, separate the entries with a semicolon on Windows platforms. On Linux, Unix, and z/OS platforms, use a colon to separate the entries. This is the same separator used with the CLASSPATH environment variable.

This option is the same as wsdeploy parameter -cp class_path.

Information Value
Data type String
Default null

Deploy web services option - Extension Directories

Directory containing zipped or JAR files. All zipped and JAR files in this directory are added to the CLASSPATH used to compile the generated files.

This option is the same as wsdeploy parameter -jardir directory.

Information Value
Data type String
Default null

Related tasks

  • Install enterprise application files with the console

  • wsdeploy command
  • Enterprise application settings