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wsdeploy command

Use wsdeploy to add WebSphere product-specific deployment classes to a web services-compatible EAR file or an application client JAR file.

The wsdeploy command is supported by JAX-RPC applications. The JAX-WS programming model that is implemented by the application server does not support wsdeploy. If the web services application contains only JAX-WS endpoints, we do not need to run wsdeploy, as this command is used to process only JAX-RPC endpoints.

The deployment classes added by the wsdeploy tool to a web services-compatible EAR file or a JAR file include:

This deployment step must be performed at least once, and can be performed more often. Deployment can be performed separately using wsdeploy, assembly tools, or when the application is installed. When using wsadmin for installation, specify the -deployws option.

The wsdeploy command operates as noted in the following list:

See the WSDL2Java command for JAX-RPC applications command information to learn more about the files that are generated for deployment.

When the generated files are compiled, they can reference application-specific classes outside the EAR or JAR file, if the EAR or JAR file is not self-contained. In this case, use either the -jardir or -cp option to specify additional JAR or compressed files to be added to CLASSPATH variable when the generated files are compiled.

wsdeploy command syntax

The command syntax is noted in the following example:

Required options:

Other options:

The following example illustrates how the options are used with wsdeploy:

The following messages may be displayed:

Related concepts

  • Development and assembly tools

    Related tasks

  • Deploy web services applications onto application servers

  • WSDL2Java command for JAX-RPC applications