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Login module settings for Java Authentication and Authorization Service

Use this page to define the login module for a JAAS login configuration.

We can define the JAAS login modules for application and system logins. To define these login modules in the console...

  1. Click Security > Global security > Authentication, click Java Authentication and Authorization Service > Application logins or System logins > alias_name.

  2. Under JAAS login modules, select a login module name to define.

Module class name

Class name of the given login module.

Information Value
Data type: String

Use login module proxy

The JAAS loads the login module proxy class. JAAS then delegates calls to the login module classes defined in the Module class name field.

Use this option when you use both Version 6.x and Version 8.x Application Servers in the same environment.

Information Value
Default: Enabled

Proxy class name

Name of the proxy login module class.

The default login modules defined by the application server use the com.ibm.ws.security.common.auth.module.WSLoginModuleProxy proxy LoginModule class. This proxy class loads the application server login module with the thread context class loader and delegates all the operations to the real login module implementation. The real login module implementation is specified as the delegate option in the option configuration. The proxy class is needed because the Developer Kit application class loaders do not have visibility of the application server product class loaders.

Information Value
Data type: String

Authentication strategy

Authentication behavior as authentication proceeds down the list of login modules.

A JAAS authentication provider supplies the authentication strategy. In JAAS, an authentication strategy is implemented through the LoginModule interface.

Information Value
Data type: String
Default: Required
Range: Required, Requisite, Sufficient and Optional


The LoginModule module is required to succeed. Whether authentication succeeds or fails, the process still continues down the LoginModule list for each realm.


The LoginModule module is required to succeed. If authentication is successful, the process continues down the LoginModule list in the realm entry. If authentication fails, control immediately returns to the application. Authentication does not proceed down the LoginModule list.


The LoginModule module is not required to succeed. If authentication succeeds, control immediately returns to the application. Authentication does not proceed down the LoginModule list. If authentication fails, the process continues down the list.


The LoginModule module is not required to succeed. Whether authentication succeeds or fails, the process still continues down the LoginModule list.

Specify additional options by clicking Custom Properties under Additional Properties. These name and value pairs are passed to the login modules during initialization. This process is one of the mechanisms used to passed information to login modules.

Module order

Specifies the order in which the JAAS login modules are processed.

Click Set Order to change the processing order of the login modules.


Configuration entry settings for Java Authentication and Authorization Service

System login configuration entry settings for Java Authentication and Authorization Service