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System login configuration entry settings for Java Authentication and Authorization Service

Use this page to specify a list of JAAS system login configurations.

To view this console page:

Security | Global security | Authentication | Java Authentication and Authorization Service | System logins

Read the JAAS documentation before you begin defining additional login modules for authenticating to the application server security runtime. Do not remove the following system login modules:

(zos) ICSF

Processes login requests when Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility (ICSF) is used as the authentication mechanism.


Processes inbound login requests for Remote Method Invocation (RMI), web applications, and most of the other login protocols.


This login configuration handles logins for inbound RMI requests. Typically, these logins are requests for authenticated access to EJB files. When using the RMI connector, these logins might be requests for JMX.


This login configuration handles logins for web application requests, which include servlets and JSP files. This login configuration can interact with the output that is generated from a trust association interceptor (TAI), if configured. The Subject that is passed into the WEB_INBOUND login configuration might contain objects that are generated by the TAI.


This login configuration handles the logins for inbound requests that are made by most of the other protocols and internal authentications.

These three login configurations will pass in the following callback information, which is handled by the login modules within these configurations. These callbacks are not passed in at the same time. However, the combination of these callbacks determines how the application server authenticates the user.


callbacks[0] = new javax.security.auth.callback.


Collects the user name provided during a login. This information can be the user name for the following types of logins:

  • User name and password login, which is known as basic authentication.

  • User name only for identity assertion without a password.


callbacks[1] = new javax.security.auth.callback.
PasswordCallback("Password:", false);


Collects the password provided during a login. A password of null is allowed, and is used to support identity assertion.


callbacks[2] = new com.ibm.websphere.security.auth.callback.
WSCredTokenCallbackImpl("Credential Token:");


Collects the LTPA token or other token type during a login. Typically, this information is present when a user name and a password are not present.


callbacks[3] = new com.ibm.wsspi.security.auth.callback.
WSTokenHolderCallback("Authz Token List:");


Collects the ArrayList list of the TokenHolder objects that are returned from the call to the WSOpaqueTokenHelper. The callback uses the createTokenHolderListFromOpaqueToken method with the CSIv2 authorization token as input.

Restriction: This callback is present only when the Security Attribute Propagation option is enabled and this login is a propagation login. In a propagation login, sufficient security attributes are propagated with the request to prevent having to access the user registry for additional attributes. We must enable security attribute propagation for both the outbound and inbound authentication.

We can enable the Security attribute propagation option for CSIv2 outbound authentication by completing the following steps:

  1. Click Security > Global security > Authentication, expand RMI/IIOP security and click CSIv2 outbound authentication.

  2. Enable the Security attribute propagation option.

We can enable the Security attribute propagation option for CSIv2 inbound authentication by completing the following steps:

  1. Click Security > Global security > Authentication, expand RMI/IIOP security and click CSIv2 inbound authentication.

  2. Enable the Security attribute propagation option.

In system login configurations, the application server authenticates the user based upon the information that is collected by the callbacks. However, a custom login module does not need to act upon any of these callbacks. The following list explains the typical combinations of these callbacks:

In addition to the callbacks defined previously, the WEB_INBOUND login configuration can contain the following additional callbacks only:


callbacks[4] = new com.ibm.websphere.security.auth.callback.


Collects the HTTP servlet request object, if presented. This callback enables login modules to retrieve information from the HTTP request to use during a login.


callbacks[5] = new com.ibm.websphere.security.auth.callback.


Collects the HTTP servlet response object, if presented. This callback enables login modules to add information into the HTTP response as a result of the login. For example, login modules might add the SingleSignonCookie cookie to the response.


callbacks[6] = new com.ibm.websphere.security.auth.callback.


Collects the web application context used during the login. This callback consists of a hashtable, which if present contains the application name and the redirected web address.


callbacks[7] = new WSRealmNameCallbackImpl("Realm Name:", <default_realm>);


Collects the realm name for the login information. The realm information might not always be provided and should be assumed to be the current realm if it is not provided.


callbacks[8] = new WSX509CertificateChainCallback("X509Certificate[]:");


If the login source is an X509Certificate from SSL client authentication, this callback contains the certificate that was validated by SSL. The ltpaLoginModule calls the same mapping functions as in previous releases. Once it is passed into the login, it provides a custom login module with the opportunity to map the certificate in a custom way. It then performs a hashtable login (see the related link, Custom login module for inbound mapping, for an example of a hashtable login.).

To use security attribute propagation with the WEB_INBOUND login configuration, we can enable the Web inbound security attribute propagation option on the Single sign-on panel.

  1. Click Security > Global security > Authentication, expand Web security and click Single sign-on (SSO).

  2. Select the Web inbound security attribute propagation option.

The following login modules are predefined for the RMI_INBOUND, WEB_INBOUND, and DEFAULT system login configurations. We can add custom login modules before, between, or after any of these login modules, but we cannot remove these predefined login modules:


Processes Remote Method Invocation (RMI) requests sent outbound to another server when either the com.ibm.CSI.rmiOutboundLoginEnabled or the com.ibm.CSIOutboundPropagationEnabled properties are true.

These properties are set in the CSIv2 authentication panel. To access the panel...

  1. Click Security > Global security > Authentication, expand RMI/IIOP security and click CSIv2 outbound authentication.
To set the com.ibm.CSI.rmiOutboundLoginEnabled property, select Custom outbound mapping. To set the com.ibm.CSIOutboundPropagationEnabled property, select the Security attribute propagation option.

This login configuration determines the security capabilities of the target server and its security domain. When the application server sends both the authentication and authorization information downstream, the application server removes the need to access the user registry again and look up the security attributes of the user for authorization purposes. Additionally, any custom objects added at the sending server are present in the Subject at the downstream server.

The following callback is available in the RMI_OUTBOUND login configuration. We can use the com.ibm.wsspi.security.csiv2.CSIv2PerformPolicy object returned by this callback to query the security policy for this particular outbound request. This query can help determine if the target realm is different than the current realm and if the application server must map the realm. For more information, see "Configuring outbound mapping to a different target realm" in the information center.


callbacks[0] = new WSProtocolPolicyCallback("Protocol Policy Callback: ");


Provides protocol-specific policy information for the login modules on this outbound invocation. This information is used to determine the level of security, including the target realm, target security requirements, and coalesced security requirements.

The following method obtains the CSIv2PerformPolicy policy from this specific login module:

csiv2PerformPolicy = (CSIv2PerformPolicy)

A different protocol other than RMI might have a different type of policy object.

The following login module is predefined in the RMI_OUTBOUND login configuration. We can add custom login modules before, between, or after any of these login modules, but we cannot remove these predefined login modules.


Retrieves the following tokens and objects before creating an opaque byte that is sent to another server using the CSIv2 (CSIv2) authorization token layer:

  • Forwardable com.ibm.wsspi.security.token.Token implementations from the Subject

  • Serializable custom objects from the Subject

  • Propagation tokens from the thread

We can use a custom login module prior to this login module to perform credential mapping. However, IBM recommends that the login module change the contents of the Subject that is passed in during the login phase. If this recommendation is followed, the login modules are processed after this login module acts on the new Subject contents.

For more information, see "Configuring outbound mapping to a different target realm" in the information center.


Processes login requests in a single server environment when SWAM is used as the authentication method.

SWAM does not support forwardable credentials. When SWAM is the authentication method, the application server cannot send requests from server to server. In this case, use LTPA.

The SWAM login configuration is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

(zos) Note: SWAM is deprecated in the application server v8.5 and will be removed in a future release.

(zos) SWAM

This login configuration enables you to map an ID in an LDAP user registry to a System Authorization Facility (SAF) user ID

(zos) Note: SWAM is deprecated in the application server v8.5 and will be removed in a future release.


Processes login configuration requests for Web Services Security using identity assertion.

This login configuration is for Web Services Security Draft 13 JAX-RPC (Version 5.x) applications. For more information, see "Identity assertion authentication method" in the information center.


Processes login configuration requests for Web Services Security using identity assertion.

This login configuration is for Web Services Security V1.0 JAX-RPC applications.

The custom property com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.module.IDAssertionLoginModule.disableUserRegistryCheck can be configured for the JAAS IDAssertionUsernameToken login module. This property is an option for the Web Services Security identity assertion JAAS login module, wssecurity.IDAssertionUsernameToken. The property indicates that the login module should not perform a user registry check when processing an inbound identity token.


Verifies an X.509 certificate with a certificate revocation list in a Public Key Cryptography Standards #7 (PKCS7) object.

This login configuration is for Version 6.0.x systems.


Verifies an X.509 certificate with a public key infrastructure (PKI) path.

This login configuration is for Version 6.0.x systems.


Processes login configuration requests for Web Services Security using digital signature validation.

This login configuration is for Version 5.x systems.


Verifies basic authentication (user name and password).

When using the JAX-RPC runtime, the following custom properties can be configured for the JAAS UsernameToken login module:

The custom property com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.module.UsernameLoginModule.disableUserRegistryCheck can be configured for the JAAS UsernameToken login module. This property is an option for the Web Services Security UsernameToken JAAS login module, com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.module.UsernameLoginModule. The property indicates that the login module should not perform a user registry check when processing an inbound username token.


Verifies an X.509 binary security token (BST) by checking the validity of the certificate and the certificate path.

This login configuration is for Version 6.0.x systems.


Processes login requests to components in the web container such as servlets and JavaServer pages (JSP) files.

The com.ibm.ws.security.web.AuthenLoginModule login module is predefined in the LTPA login configuration. We can add custom login modules before or after this module in the LTPA_WEB login configuration.

The LTPA_WEB login configuration can process the HttpServletRequest object, the HttpServletResponse object, and the web application name that are passed in using a callback handler. For more information, see "Example: Customizing a server-side Java Authentication and Authorization Service authentication and logon configuration" in the information center.


Processes login requests that are not handled by the LTPA_WEB login configuration.

This login configuration is used by WAS v6.1 and previous versions.

The com.ibm.ws.security.server.lm.ltpaLoginModule login module is predefined in the LTPA login configuration. We can add custom login modules before or after this module in the LTPA login configuration. For more information, see "Example: Customizing a server-side Java Authentication and Authorization Service authentication and logon configuration" in the information center.


Processes login requests to components in the web container such as servlets and JavaServer pages (JSP) files.

The com.ibm.ws.security.web.AuthenLoginModule login module is predefined in the LTPA login configuration. We can add custom login modules before or after this module in the LTPA_WEB login configuration.

The LTPA_WEB login configuration can process the HttpServletRequest object, the HttpServletResponse object, and the web application name that are passed in using a callback handler. For more information, see "Example: Customizing a server-side Java Authentication and Authorization Service authentication and logon configuration" in the information center.


Processes login requests for asynchronous beans.

The DESERIALIZE_ASYNCH_CONTEXT configuration is used for asynchronous beans only. The scheduler uses the asynchronous beans alarm manager for "Deferred Start", which allows serialization and deserialization of the J2EE context. This login configuration is used when using asynchronous beans, Scheduler, and EJB Timers.


The DESERIALIZE_ASYNCH_CONTEXT login configuration has a limitation. Any operation that requires token validation in the lognModules configured in the DESERIALIZE_ASYNC_CONTEXT login configuration can result in the API repeatedly throwing the TokenExpiredException.

Related concepts

  • Java Authentication and Authorization Service
  • Security attribute propagation
  • Default implementations of the Web Services Security service provider programming interfaces

    Related tasks

  • Configure outbound identity mapping to a different target realm
  • Configure inbound identity mapping

  • Customize a server-side Java Authentication and Authorization Service authentication and login configuration

    Configuration entry settings for Java Authentication and Authorization Service

  • Example: Custom login module for inbound mapping