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Peer port settings

Use this page to configure a peer port. A peer port identifies the host name and port of an application server that is a bridge interface in another cell. This application server is using the core group bridge service to communicate with other core groups. Each peer access point can have one or more peer ports. Each port identifies a bridge interface of a core group bridge service in the peer cell. To view this console page, click Servers > Core Groups > Core group bridge settings > Access point groups > access_point_group_name > Peer access points > peer_access_point_name > Show detail > Peer ports > peer_port_name .


Host name on which the core group bridge in the remote cell is listening. If the remote bridge is on a multi-homed system, enter a dotted decimal IP address.


Port number that is associated with the host on which the core group bridge in the remote cell is listening.

Related tasks

  • Configure the core group bridge service

    Bridge interface settings

    Related information:

    Core group bridge settings

    Access point group settings

    Core group access point settings

    Peer access point settings