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Peer access point settings

Use this page to configure a peer access point. Each peer access point is used to communicate with core groups in other cells. A peer access point corresponds to a core group access point in the peer cell. The peer access point communication settings are specified by using one or more peer endpoints or a proxy peer.

A peer access point must contain either peer ports or a proxy peer access point, but not both. When the peer access point is directly accessible within its access point group, specify peer ports. When the peer access point can be reached only indirectly, use a proxy peer access point. A proxy peer access point is used to identify the communication settings for the peer access point that cannot be accessed directly. The proxy peer access point specifies a peer access point that can communicate with the appropriate destination core group. The specified proxy peer access point must be a peer access point that has defined ports. To view this console page, click Servers > Core Groups > Core group bridge settings > Access point groups > access_point_group_name > Peer access points > peer_access_point_name > Show detail.


Name of the peer access point. The name must be unique within the local cell.

Remote cell name

Name of the remote cell in which the peer access point resides.

Avoid trouble: This property is case sensitive. The value specified must exactly match the name of the cell in which the peer access point resides. For example, if WASCell05 is the name of the cell containing the peer access point, specify WASCell05 as the value for this property. If we specify wascell05 as the value for this property, communication between the two core groups is not established.gotcha

Remote cell core group name

Name of the core group in the remote cell to which the peer access point belongs.

Remote cell core group access point name

Name of the core group access point that is in the remote cell.

Information Value
default defaultCoreGroupAccessPoint

Use peer ports

When selected, specifies that you are using peer ports instead of a proxy peer access point. Use peer ports when the peer access point is directly accessible within its access point group. Click Peer ports to specify the peer ports for the peer access point.

Use proxy peer access point

When selected, specifies that you are using a proxy peer access point instead of peer ports. A proxy peer is defined when the peer access point can be reached only indirectly through another peer access point. A proxy peer is used to identify the communication settings for the peer access point that cannot be accessed directly. The proxy peer specifies a peer access point that can communicate with the destination core group. The specified proxy peer must be a peer access point that has defined peer ports.

When you select this type of peer addressability, you must also select a proxy peer access point from the list of available proxy peer access points.

Cell-level access

Level of access that a server from another cell is given to the local cell when that server uses this access point to establish communication with the local cell.

Related tasks

  • Configure the core group bridge service

    Peer port settings

    Bridge interface settings

    Related information:

    Core group bridge settings

    Access point group settings

    Core group access point settings