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Peer core group settings

Use this page to create a peer core group. Peer core groups are core groups that reside in different cell. The local core group bridge attempts to establish communication between peer core groups in the order in which they appear in the list of peer core groups.

To access this console page, click Servers > Core Groups > Core group bridge settings > Tunnel peer access points access_point__name > Peer core groups > New.

Core group name

Name of the core group in the foreign cell where the end point resides.

Peer bridge endpoints

Host name and port of the peer core group. The peer bridge endpoint is used as a bridge interface to another peer core group. This bridge interface enables members of peer core groups to use the core group bridge service to communicate with other even though they reside in different cells.

One or more peer bridge endpoints can be specified for a peer core group.


  • Tunnel peer access point settings
  • Tunnel peer access point collection
  • Peer core group collection
  • Peer port settings