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SIP proxy settings

The SIP proxy settings page contains general configuration items that affect outbound transport configuration, toleration of IP Sprayer devices, and access logging configuration. To view this console page, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > proxy_server_name > SIP proxy settings.

The SIP proxy settings panel allows us to define attributes and policies that control the behavior of the SIP proxy server.

Default cluster

Default cluster name.

The Default cluster field must be set to a valid cluster before any SIP messages are routed through the proxy server. The default cluster indicates which cluster of application servers should receive SIP traffic when there are no cluster selection rules defined, or when none of the existing cluster selection rules match.

Information Value
Data type Valid cluster name
Default None

Retry-after header value

Amount of time, in seconds, that the SIP proxy waits before it returns the SIP request because the SIP containers are overloaded, or the SIP proxy cannot locate available servers to which it can route the request.

Information Value
Range 1 to 1000
Data type Integer
Default 5


Whether to enable or disable access logging.

When Enable access logging is checked, specifies the access log maximum size and proxy access log path name. To disable the access log maximum size and proxy access log settings, clear this control setting.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default Unchecked

Access log maximum size

Maximum size, in megabytes (MB), of the access log before it rolls over.

Information Value
Range 1 to 65535
Data type Integer
Default 20

Proxy access log

Location of the SIP proxy access log.

Information Value
Range Valid path name
Data type String
Default $(SERVER_LOG_ROOT)/sipproxy.log

Container facing network interface

This section contains fields that configure the container-facing network interfaces.

The value asterisk (*) means let the OS decide which interface to use.

UDP interface

Network interface for all User Datagram Protocol (UDP) data that goes to and from the SIP container. The value for this setting is the hostname or IP address to use for all communications between the SIP proxy and the SIP containers when the network is segmented.

If a value is specified for this setting, you must also specify a value for the UDP port setting.

Information Value
Data type String
Default *

UDP port

Specifies the UDP port for SIP container communications, such as the specific port required to pass through a firewall that separates the SIP proxy and the SIP containers.

If a value is specified for this setting, you must also specify a value for the UDP interface.

Information Value
Range 1 to 65535
Data type Integer
Default *

TCP interface

Network interface for all Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) data that goes to and from the SIP container or containers.

Information Value
Data type String
Default *

TLS interface

Network interface for all Transport Layer Security (TLS) data that goes to and from the SIP container or containers.

Information Value
Data type String
Default *

Load balancer health checking

This section contains fields that configure the load balancer used to load balance the SIP proxy server and perform health checks.

Load balancer members (IP address 1 and 2)

IP addresses of the load balancers that source the SIP health checks. The IP addresses (1 and 2) ensure that the message is an actual SIP advisor request before sending a response back to it.

Information Value
Data type String
Default None

SIP health check method name

Specifies the health check method name sent to the SIP proxy from the load balancer.

Information Value
Data type String
Default None

Tolerate a specific number of negative health checks

Whether to allow negative health checks.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default False

Maximum negative health checks

Number of SIP health checks that the load balancer can perform that return negative results, indicating that there is a communication problem between the load balancer and the SIP proxy, before this SIP proxy informs the other SIP proxies that it is no longer processing data.

Information Value
Range 1 through 10
Data type Integer
Default 3

SIP network outage detection

Whether to enable or disable outage detection.

When Enable SIP network outage detection is checked, specifies the KEEPALIVE interval and maximum KEEPALIVE failures. To disable the network outage detection, clear this control setting.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default Unchecked

Keep alive interval

Interval, in milliseconds, at which the KEEPALIVE packets are sent to the SIP containers.

Information Value
Range 1 through 1000
Data type Integer
Default 3000

Maximum keep alive failures

Number of KEEPALIVE requests sent without getting a response before considering this server down.

Information Value
Range 1 through 10
Data type Integer
Default 3

Overload protection

Whether to enable or disable overload protection.

When Enable proxy managed overload protection is checked, specifies the maximum throughput allowed and overload error response. To disable the maximum throughput and overload error response fields, clear this control setting.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default False

Max throughput factor

Degree of overload protection at the proxy and is a percentage of the maximum messages per averaging period for the SIP container.

Information Value
Range 1 through 100
Data type Integer
Default 90

Overload response code

Specifies the overload response code. When the proxy detects an overload condition, it will respond to the request with the overload response code, if it is set.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 503

Overload response reason

Specifies the overload response reason phrase. When the proxy detects an overload condition, it will respond to the request with the overload response phrase, if it is set.

Information Value
Data type String
Default Service unavailable

Related tasks

  • Configure the SIP proxy for network outage detection
  • SIP proxy server custom properties

    SIP UDP transport channel custom properties

  • Proxy server collection