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EJB module settings

Use this page to configure and manage a specific deployed EJB module.

We cannot start or stop an individual EJB module for modification. We must start or stop the appropriate application entirely. To view this console page, click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name > Manage Modules > module_name.

If an application is running, changing an application setting causes the application to restart. On stand-alone servers, the application restarts after you save the change. On multiple-server products, the application restarts after you save the change and files synchronize on the node where the application is installed. To control when synchronization occurs on multiple-server products, deselect Synchronize changes with nodes on the Console preferences page.


Specifies location of the module relative to the root of the application EAR file. The URI must match the URI of a ModuleRef URI in the deployment descriptor of the deployed application (EAR).

Alternate deployment descriptor

Specifies an alternate deployment descriptor for the module as defined in the application deployment descriptor according to the Java EE specification.

Start weight

Specifies the order in which modules are started when the server starts. The module with the lowest starting weight is started first.

If the application deployment descriptor specifies the <initialize-in-order>true</initialize-in-order> element, the default starting weights reflect the order specified in the deployment descriptor. Otherwise, the defaults are determined based on module type (RAR modules start before EJB modules, which start before web modules).

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 5000
Range Greater than 0

Related tasks

  • Deploy EJB modules