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Console preferences settings

Use the Console Preferences page to specify how we want features of the administrative console workspace to behave.

To view this administrative console page, click System administration > Console preferences.

Turn on workspace automatic refresh

Whether we want the administrative console workspace to refresh automatically after the administrative configuration changes.

The default is for the workspace to refresh automatically. If we delete a WebSphere variable, for example, the WebSphere variables page refreshes automatically and shows the updated list of WebSphere variables in the WebSphere variables collection.

An example follows with workspace automatic refresh turned on and two users logged in to the console at the same time. If the first user deletes a mail provider from the collection without saving his changes, the second user does not see the changes. The first user must save the changes. Then the second user must refresh the collection panel on his own console to see the changes. However, if the automatic refresh is not on, then the second user will not see the deletion of the mail provider on the collection panel until after he logs out and logs back in.

Information Value
Default true (selected)

No confirmation on workspace discard

Whether the confirmation dialog is displayed after a request is received to discard the workspace. The default is to display confirmation dialogs.

Information Value
Default false (cleared)

Use default scope

Whether the default scope is the administrative console node.

All scopes is the default unless you enable the Use default scope setting to make the administrative console node the default. Whatever the default is the first time that you view a console panel that has scope settings, that is the default for the panel on subsequent visits that we make to the panel. The default for the panel does not change even if you modify the Use default scope setting.

Information Value
Default false (cleared)

Show the help portlet

Whether the help portlet on the console displays.

Information Value
Default true (selected)

Enable command assistance notifications

Whether to send JMX notifications containing command assistance data from the administrative console. Enablement of the notifications allows integration with product tools such as the Toolkit Jython editor for WebSphere Application Server. Enablement of this option is recommended for non-production environments only.

Information Value
Default false (cleared)

Log command assistance commands

Whether to log all the command assistance wsadmin data to a file. This file is saved to ${LOG_ROOT}/server/commandAssistanceJythonCommands_user name.log:

Occasionally clean out the file to manage its growth.

Information Value
Default false (cleared)

Synchronize changes with nodes

Whether to synchronize changes that are saved to the dmgr profile with all the nodes that are running.

Information Value
Default false (cleared)

Bidirectional support options

Specifies bidirectional (Bidi) text preferences for the administrative console.

Information Value
Default false (cleared)

Related tasks

  • Use the administrative console
  • Monitor application logging using JMX notifications

  • Bidirectional support options