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Custom messaging engine policy

The custom messaging engine policy is a messaging engine policy type provided when you use messaging engine policy assistance. It helps you to create and configure messaging engines in a cluster that is a member of a bus when the predefined messaging engine policy types do not meet your needs. We can configure the messaging engine behavior, then the appropriate messaging engine policies are created automatically.

We can create any number of messaging engines for the cluster. For each messaging engine, specify the behavior that you require, such as whether it can fail over and whether it uses preferred servers. The core group policies and match criteria for each messaging engine are automatically created.

Use this policy when the other options of High availability, Scalability, or Scalability with high availability do not provide the messaging engine behavior you require, and you are familiar with creating messaging engines and configuring messaging engine policy settings.

When you select the custom messaging engine policy type, a diagram is displayed that shows the selected cluster and the associated messaging engines, but there are no warnings or advice about the suitability of the configuration.

We can configure the messaging engine policy to set the following:

When set the configuration, remember the following points:

It is possible to create a messaging engine for a cluster without using messaging engine policy assistance. However, you must either use the default core group policy for messaging engines and the default settings, or create the core group policies and settings yourself. Use this procedure if we need a specific configuration and you are familiar with the procedure. Otherwise, use messaging engine policy assistance.

Related tasks

  • Add a cluster to a bus with a custom configuration

    Related information:

  • High availability messaging engine policy
  • Scalability messaging engine policy
  • Scalability with high availability messaging engine policy