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Configure a core group policy for messaging engines

We can configure a core group policy for service integration to associate the policy with specific messaging engines and to specify messaging engine behavior, such as which server a messaging engine runs on, whether a messaging engine can fail over or fail back, and the frequency of messaging engine monitoring.

The policy to associate with the messaging engine must exist. It is possible to configure the default service integration policy, "Default SIBus Policy", but it is not advisable, because those changes will affect all messaging engines that the policy manages. Therefore, to configure a policy, it is advisable to create a new one, as described in Create a policy for messaging engines.

Only the following types of core group policy apply to service integration and messaging engines:

We cannot use the "All active" or "M of N" policy types, because they are not supported for the service integration bus component.

The default service integration policy is a "One of N" policy with a single match criterion that matches any service integration messaging engine. The default policy has a monitoring interval of 120 seconds, no preferences for particular servers and no automatic fail back. To configure messaging engine behavior, it is advisable to create additional, more specialized policies, and retain the default service integration policy to apply to messaging engines that do not match any other policy.

To configure a core group policy for a messaging engine, or messaging engines, use the console to complete the following steps:

  1. Select the policy by clicking Servers -> Core groups -> Core group settings -> core_group_name -> [Additional Properties] Policies -> policy_name.

  2. Associate the policy with the messaging engine, or messaging engines, that you require. Typically, for a policy of type Static or "One of N", you associate the policy with a single messaging engine. Typically, for a policy of type "No operation", you associate the policy with all the messaging engines (one or more) in a cluster. See Use match criteria to associate a policy with a messaging engine.

  3. Configure the policy further, using the appropriate procedure for the policy type that you are configuring:


Related concepts

  • Policies for service integration
  • Simple configuration without workload sharing or high availability

    Related tasks

  • Configure high availability and workload sharing of service integration

  • CoreGroupPolicyManagement (AdminTask)