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Application routing order settings

Use this page to specify whether the Default SIP Application Router (DAR) must rely on the basic application startup order or advanced application routing rules (DAR configuration). To view this console page, click Environment > SIP application routers > DefaultSIPApplicationRouter > target.

Basic application startup order

Specifies to use application startup order weights to determine the application routing order.

Click the link to go to the Startup order page where we can specify the application order weight for each application on the target server. Lower weighted values take precedence.

Advanced application routing rules (DAR configuration)

Specifies to use routing rules when determining the application routing order.

Click the link to go to the DAR configuration file rules page where we can edit, import, or view the rules to be used by the SIP application router for this target server.

Related concepts

  • SIP application router

    Related tasks

  • Configure SIP application routers

    Related information:

  • SIP application router collection
  • SIP application router settings
  • Application startup order settings