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Configure SIP application routers

Use the Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) application router to select the order in which SIP applications are triggered. When configuring a SIP application router, we can either use the default application router or create a custom application router.

The SIP container provides an application router component called the Default Application Router (DAR). The DAR component uses a configuration text file, similar to a Java properties file, that defines the order in which the application router sends SIP requests to applications.

Restriction: WebSphere Application Server has a default way of sorting the order of SIP applications invocation using the Startup behavior settings. The sorting order is based on the application weight. This weighting policy only applies if we do not specify a DAR configuration file, or if a custom application router has not been associated with the server or cluster.

We can either use the DAR or a custom application router to perform application routing, as described in the procedure.

Use the following procedure to select the best method to implement the SIP application router for the configuration.


You have successfully configured a SIP application router.


Related concepts

  • SIP application router

    Related information:

  • SIP application router settings
  • SIP application router collection
  • Default application router rule collection
  • Default application router rule settings
  • SIP container custom properties
  • Application routing order settings
  • Application startup order settings
  • SIP Servlet Specification 1.1 (JSR 289)