Configure SIP application routers
Use the Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) application router to select the order in which SIP applications are triggered. When configuring a SIP application router, we can either use the default application router or create a custom application router.
The SIP container provides an application router component called the Default Application Router (DAR). The DAR component uses a configuration text file, similar to a Java properties file, that defines the order in which the application router sends SIP requests to applications.
Restriction: WebSphere Application Server has a default way of sorting the order of SIP applications invocation using the Startup behavior settings. The sorting order is based on the application weight. This weighting policy only applies if we do not specify a DAR configuration file, or if a custom application router has not been associated with the server or cluster.
We can either use the DAR or a custom application router to perform application routing, as described in the procedure.
Use the following procedure to select the best method to implement the SIP application router for the configuration.
- Use the DAR component with a DAR configuration file.
- In the console, click Environment > SIP application routers. The table displays a list of available application routers, including the DAR component.
- Click the DefaultSIPApplicationRouter link.
- View the list of server and cluster targets associated with the application router in the Targets table.
- Targets may or may not be available. To change the target of an application router, go back to the SIP application routers panel, click on a router name, and check to see if a target is listed. If a target is listed, select a target and then click the Move to Application Router button. The drop-down menu lets you select another application router.
- For the DefaultSIPApplicationRouter, click a target link name to set the application routing configuration for the target.
- Click Advanced application routing rules (DAR configuration) to use a DAR configuration file, and click Apply.
- Click Configure routing rules to view or edit the routing rules.
- If we have an existing DAR configuration file, we can click the Import... button to upload the new DAR configuration file. The File Import window is displayed, which allows us to browse to the file and upload it; then click the Import button.
- Use the New, Delete, Move up, and Move down buttons on the DAR Configuration File page to create and modify routing rules.
- Click Save directly to the master configuration and then restart server or cluster to pick up the changes.
- Use the DAR component with manual application ordering.
- In the console, click Environment > SIP application routers. The table displays a list of available application routers, including the DAR component.
- Click the DefaultSIPApplicationRouter link.
- View the list of server and cluster targets associated with the application router in the Targets table.
- Targets may or may not be available. To change the target of an application router, go back to the SIP application routers panel, click on a router name, and check to see if a target is listed. If a target is listed, select a target and then click the Move to Application Router button. The drop-down menu lets you select another application router.
- For the DefaultSIPApplicationRouter, click a target link name to set the application routing configuration for the target.
- Click Basic application startup order to use the application order from the target; then click Apply.
- Click Configure application startup order to view the application startup order weights for the applications on this target.
- Enter a numerical value in the Startup order weight column for the application. The startup order weight determines the order in which the SIP application router sends SIP requests to applications. These values also determine the startup order of applications after a server restart. Applications with lower startup values start first.
Restriction: If there are two or more SIP applications bundled inside one EAR application file, the bundled SIP applications will have the same weight. If more complex routing rules are needed, a different application router method must be used.
- Click Update.
- Click Save directly to the master configuration and then restart server or cluster to pick up the changes.
The CEA samples package includes a wsadmin (Jython) script library that we can use to simplify the development and testing of scripts that automate configuration changes. For further information, see the wsadmin (Jython) scripting procedures for CEA information.
- Use a custom application router.
- In the console, click Environment > SIP application routers. The table displays a list of available application routers, including the DAR component.
- Select a custom SIP application router from the list, or click New to create a new one. The Configuration tab shows the name of the application router and the provider name of the application router. The provider name of the application router must be set to the custom application router implementation fully qualified class name.
- Place the JAR file in the server class path. For example, place the JAR file in the java_home/lib/ext directory, and ensure this directory is included in the class path for the server.
Avoid trouble: Do not add this path to the Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Sip Container > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Classpath entry, because this can cause conflicts.gotcha
- Enter or edit the information in the required fields as needed. The required fields are identified with an asterisk (*).
- Click Apply and then click Save directly to the master configuration.
- To change the target of an application router, click on a router name, and check to see if a target is listed. If a target is listed, select a target and then click the Move to Application Router button. The drop-down menu lets you select another application router.
- Click Save directly to the master configuration and then restart server or cluster to pick up the changes.
The CEA samples package includes a wsadmin (Jython) script library that we can use to simplify the development and testing of scripts that automate configuration changes. For further information, see the wsadmin (Jython) scripting procedures for CEA information.
- Use custom properties to configure the SIP application router. We can use the following custom properties to configure a DAR or a custom application router. These custom properties override the console settings.
- In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name.
- Under Container Settings, expand SIP Container Settings and click SIP container.
- Under Additional Properties, click Custom properties, then click New.
- For the DAR, use the custom property. Location of the DAR properties file that defines the order in which the application router sends SIP requests to applications as described in Appendix C of the JSR 289 specification.
- For the custom application router, use the custom property. The custom application router implementation fully qualified class name as described in section 15.4.2 of the JSR 289 specification. The custom application router implementation class defines the order in which the application router sends SIP requests to applications.
- Click Save directly to the master configuration and then restart server or cluster to pick up the changes.
You have successfully configured a SIP application router.
- SIP application router collection
Use this page to create and delete SIP application routers. The Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) application router allows us to select the order in which SIP applications are run at an initial SIP request.
- SIP application router settings
Use this page to configure SIP application router container settings. The Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) application router allows us to select the order in which SIP applications are triggered. We can use the default application router (DAR) or specify a custom application router adhering to the SIP Servlet specification.
- Default application router rule settings
Use this page to edit the details of an application router rule.
Related concepts
SIP application router
Related information:
SIP application router settings SIP application router collection Default application router rule collection Default application router rule settings SIP container custom properties Application routing order settings Application startup order settings SIP Servlet Specification 1.1 (JSR 289)