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Enable a WSIF client to invoke a web service through JMS

The ways in which the Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) interacts with the Java Message Service (JMS), and the steps to take to enable a service to be invoked through JMS by a WSIF client application.

This topic assumes that you chose and configured a JMS provider when you installed WebSphere Application Server (either the default messaging provider, or another provider such as the WebSphere MQ messaging provider). If not, do so now as described in Choose a messaging provider.

Here are the ways in which WSIF interacts with JMS:

To enable a service to be invoked through JMS by a WSIF client application...

  1. Use the console to create and configure a queue connection factory and a queue destination for the chosen messaging provider.

    For more information, see Configure resources for the default messaging provider, Configure JMS resources for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider or Manage messaging with a third-party messaging provider.

    In WebSphere MQ and some other JMS implementations, messages are persistent by default. The WSIF replyTo temporary queue is of type temporary dynamic by default, which means that the JMS provider cannot write a persistent response message to this queue. For the WebSphere MQ messaging provider, create a temporary model queue that is of type permanent dynamic, then pass this model as the tempmodel of your queue connection factory. This ensures that persistent messages are written to a temporary replyTo queue that is of type permanent dynamic.

  2. Use the console to add the new queue destination to the list of JMS destination names for the application server. Ensure that the Initial State is started.

  3. Put the JNDI names of the queue destination and queue connection factory, as well as the JNDI configuration, in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file.

  4. Optional: If the client is running on an application server that has been migrated from WebSphere Application Server Version 5, you might get basic authentication errors and therefore have to modify the security settings. For more information see Web Services Invocation Framework troubleshooting tips.


Related concepts

  • WSIF and WSDL

    Related tasks

  • Writing the WSDL extension that lets the WSIF service access a SOAP over JMS service
  • Writing the WSDL extensions that let the WSIF service access a service at a JMS destination
  • Administer WSIF

  • WSIFOperation - Asynchronous interactions reference
  • WSIFOperation - Synchronous and asynchronous timeouts reference