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Managing messaging with a third-party messaging provider

For messaging between application servers, most requirements are best met by either the default messaging provider or the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. However, we can instead use a third-party messaging provider (that is, use another company's product as the provider). We might want to do this, for example, if we have existing investments.

If we are not sure which provider combination is best suited to the needs, see Types of messaging providers.

  • Enterprise applications in WAS can use asynchronous messaging through services based on Java Message Service (JMS) messaging providers and their related messaging systems. These messaging providers conform to the JMS Version 1.1 specification.

    The choice of provider depends on what the JMS application needs to do, and on other factors relating to the business environment and planned changes to that environment.

    Choose a third-party messaging provider.

    To administer a third-party messaging provider, you use either the resource adaptor (for a Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) 1.5-compliant or 1.6-compliant messaging provider) or the client (for a non-JCA messaging provider) supplied by the third party. Use WAS console to administer the activation specifications, connection factories and destinations that are within WebSphere Application Server, but we cannot use the administrative console to administer the JMS provider itself, or any of its resources that are outside of WAS.

    To use message-driven beans, third-party messaging providers must either provide an inbound JCA 1.5-compliant or 1.6-compliant-resource adapter, or (for non-JCA messaging providers) include Application Server Facility (ASF), an optional feature that is part of the JMS Version 1.1 specification.

    To work with a third-party provider, choose one of the following options:

    1. Manage messaging with a third-party JCA 1.5-compliant messaging provider.

    2. Manage messaging with a third-party non-JCA messaging provider.


    Related concepts

  • Introduction: Messaging resources

    Related tasks

  • Choose a messaging provider
  • Manage messaging with the WebSphere MQ messaging provider
  • Manage message-driven beans
  • Secure messaging
  • Tune messaging
  • Troubleshooting messaging
  • Programming to use asynchronous messaging
  • Manage messaging with the default messaging provider