WAS v8.5 > Secure applications > Authenticate users > SAML web single sign-on
Enable the system to use the SAML web SSO feature
Before we can use the SAML Web SSO feature we...
- Install the SAML Assertion Consumer Service (ACS)
- Enable SAML TAI
We do not need to install the SAML ACS application if we are using our own business application as the SAML ACS application,
- Install the SAML ACS application.
cd app_server_root/bin
wsadmin -f installSamlACS.py install node server...or...
wsadmin -f installSamlACS.py install clusterName
- Enable SAML TAI.
- Using wsadmin...
- Run...
cd app_server_root/bin
wsadmin -lang jython
wsadmin> AdminTask.addSAMLTAISSO('-enable true -acsUrl https://host:sslport/samlsps/<any URI pattern string>')
wsadmin> AdminConfig.save()
wsadmin> quite...where hostname is the host name of the system where WebSphere Application is installed and sslport is WC_defaulthost_secure.
- Restart the WAS.
- Using dmgr console...
- Go to...
Security | Global security | Web and SIP security | Trust association | General Properties | Enable trust association | Interceptors | New
- In the Interceptor class name field, set...
- Under Custom properties, set...
Name: sso_1.sp.acsUrl
Value: https://host:sslport/samlsps/<any URI pattern string>We can specify a wildcard value instead of a specific URI pattern string...
- Click New and enter the following custom property information:
Name: sso_1.sp.idMap
Value: idAssertion.
- Click OK.
- Go to...
Security | Global security | Custom properties | New
...and define the following custom property information under General properties:
Name: com.ibm.websphere.security.DeferTAItoSSO
Value: com.ibm.ws.security.web.saml.ACSTrustAssociationInterceptorIf this custom property already exists, edit its value to add...
- Click New and define the following custom property information under General properties:
Name: com.ibm.websphere.security.InvokeTAIbeforeSSO
Value: com.ibm.ws.security.web.saml.ACSTrustAssociationInterceptor
- Click OK.
- Restart WAS.
The SAML TAI is now enabled for WAS.
After enabling the SAML Web SSO feature, configure WAS as a service provider (SP) partner to participate in the IdP-initiated single sign-on scenarios with other identity providers.
Related conceptsSAML web single sign-on SAML web SSO TAI custom properties