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Encoding passwords in files

The purpose of password encoding is to deter casual observation of passwords in server configuration and property files. Use the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility to encode passwords stored in properties files. WAS does not provide a utility for decoding the passwords. Encoding is not sufficient to fully protect passwords. Native security is the primary mechanism for protecting passwords used in WebSphere Application Server configuration and property files.

WebSphere Application Server contains several encoded passwords in files that are not encrypted. WebSphere Application Server provides the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility, which we can use to encode passwords. The purpose of password encoding is to deter casual observation of passwords in server configuration and property files. The PropFilePasswordEncoder utility does not encode passwords contained within XML or XMI files.

Important: The PropFilePasswordEncoder only updates existing property and XML files. If subsequent files are added, such as can occur after installing a new application, this procedure should be rerun for those new files.

and XMI files containing encoded passwords. Instead, WebSphere Application Server automatically encodes the passwords in these files. XML and XMI files
File name Additional information Navigation

The following fields contain encoded passwords:

  • LTPA password
  • JAAS authentication data
  • User registry server password
  • LDAP user registry bind password
  • Keystore password
  • Truststore password
  • (dist) Cryptographic token device password

security > Global security > Apply.

The following fields contain encoded passwords:

  • LTPA password
  • JAAS authentication data
  • User registry server password
  • LDAP user registry bind password
  • Keystore password
  • Truststore password
  • Cryptographic token device password

security > Global security > Apply.


Passwords for the default basic authentication for the resource-ref bindings within all the descriptors, except in the Java cryptography architecture

    ejb jar/META-INF/ibm_ejbjar_bnd.xml

Passwords for the default basic authentication for the resource-ref bindings within all the descriptors, except in the Java cryptography architecture

    client jar/META-INF/ibm-appclient_bnd.xml

Passwords for the default basic authentication for the resource-ref bindings within all the descriptors, except in the Java cryptography architecture


Passwords for the default basic authentication for the run as bindings within all the descriptors

The following fields contain encoded passwords:

  • Keystore password
  • Truststore password
  • (dist) Cryptographic token device password
  • Session persistence password
  • DRS client data replication password


The following fields contain encoded passwords:

  • Keystore password
  • Truststore password
  • Cryptographic token device password
  • Session persistence password
  • DRS client data replication password


The following fields contain encoded passwords:

  • WAS40Datasource password
  • mailTransport password
  • mailStore password
  • MQQueue queue mgr password


The following fields contain encoded passwords:

  • WAS40Datasource password
  • mailTransport password
  • mailStore password
  • MQQueue queue mgr password


servers > server types > websphere application servers > serverName >JAX-WS and JAX-RPC security runtime > Apply.

servers > server types > websphere application servers > serverName >JAX-WS and JAX-RPC security runtime > Apply.


This is a deployment descriptor included with JAX-RPC provider applications. The following fields contain encoded passwords:

  • Keystore passwords
  • Key passwords

Applications > Enterprise Applications > application name > Manage Modules > module name > Web services: Server security binding (under Web Services Security Properties) > Edit custom.


This is a deployment descriptor included with JAX-RPC client applications. The following fields contain encoded passwords:

Applications > Enterprise Applications > application name > Manage Modules > module name > Web services: Client security binding (under Web Services Security Properties) > Edit custom.


The following fields contain encoded passwords:

Services > Policy Sets > Default policy set bindings > Version 6.1 default policy set bindings > WS-Security > Custom properties > Apply.


The following fields contain encoded passwords:

  • Database administrator password

servers > server types > websphere application servers > serverName > session management > distributed environment > database > OK.

If we are not using a database, choose: none.


WSSecurity/bindings.xml is a JAX-WS WS-Security policy binding file. When it is located in the cell_name/applications path, it is part of an application specific binding.

The following fields contain encoded passwords:

Services > service providers or > service clients > resourceName > bindingName > WS-Security > Custom properties > Apply.

  • ./Client sample/PolicyTypes/WSSecurity/bindings.xml
  • ./Client sample V2/PolicyTypes/WSSecurity/bindings.xml
  • ./Provider sample/PolicyTypes/WSSecurity/bindings.xml
  • ./Provider sample V2/PolicyTypes/WSSecurity/bindings.xml
  • ./Saml Bearer Client sample/PolicyTypes/WSSecurity/bindings.xml
  • ./Saml Bearer Provider sample/PolicyTypes/WSSecurity/bindings.xml
  • ./Saml HoK Symmetric Client sample/PolicyTypes/WSSecurity/bindings.xml
  • ./Saml HoK Symmetric Provider sample /PolicyTypes/WSSecurity/bindings.xml

The following fields contain encoded passwords:

Services > Policy Sets > General provider policy set bindings > bindingName > WS-Security > Custom properties > Apply.

  • ./policy/TrustServiceSecurityDefault/PolicyTypes/WSSecurity/bindings.xml
  • ./policy/TrustServiceSymmetricDefault/PolicyTypes/WSSecurity/bindings.xml

The following fields contain encoded passwords:

Services > Trust service >Trust service attachments > bindingName > WS-Security > Custom properties > Apply.

utility - Partial File List. Use PropFilePasswordEncoder utility
File name Additional information

Passwords for the following files:

  • com.ibm.ssl.keyStorePassword
  • com.ibm.ssl.trustStorePassword
  • com.ibm.CORBA.loginPassword


Passwords for the following files:

  • com.ibm.ssl.keyStorePassword
  • com.ibm.ssl.trustStorePassword
  • com.ibm.CORBA.loginPassword


Specifies passwords for:

  • com.ibm.ssl.keyStorePassword
  • com.ibm.ssl.trustStorePassword
  • com.ibm.CORBA.loginPassword


Specifies passwords for:

  • com.ibm.ssl.keyStorePassword
  • com.ibm.ssl.trustStorePassword
  • com.ibm.CORBA.loginPassword


Specifies passwords for:

  • com.ibm.ssl.keyStorePassword
  • com.ibm.ssl.trustStorePassword
  • com.ibm.CORBA.loginPassword


Specifies passwords for:

  • com.ibm.ssl.keyStorePassword
  • com.ibm.ssl.trustStorePassword
  • com.ibm.CORBA.loginPassword




Specifies passwords for:

  • com.ibm.ssl.keyStorePassword
  • com.ibm.ssl.trustStorePassword

Specifies passwords for:

  • trustStore.password


The following fields contain encoded passwords:

  • KeystorePassword
  • KeyPasswords
  • TrustStorePassword

To encode a password again in one of the previous files...

  1. Access the file using a text editor and type over the encoded password. The new password is shown is no longer encoded and must be re-encoded.

  2. (dist)(zos) Use the PropFilePasswordEncoder.bat or the PropFilePasswordEncode.sh file in the profile_root/bin directory to encode the password again.

    (dist) If we are encoding files that are not SAS properties files, type PropFilePasswordEncoder "file_name" password_properties_list

    (zos) If we are encoding files that are not z/SAS properties files, type PropFilePasswordEncoder "file_name" password_properties_list

    Important: When you use the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility, a prompt asks whether a backup version of the original file is required. If a backup version is required, a backup file (.bak), is created with the clear text password. Examine the results and then delete this backup file. It contains the unencrypted password. If we do not want to see this prompt, edit the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility and add the following Java system property as a parameter: -Dcom.ibm.websphere.security.util.createBackup=true or -Dcom.ibm.websphere.security.util.createBackup=false

    A true value for the Java system property creates a backup file and a false value disables the backup file.


    "file_name" is the name of the z/SAS properties file, and password_properties_list is the name of the properties to encode within the file.

    Only the password should be encoded in this file using the PropFilePasswordEncoder tool.

    Use the PropFilePasswordEncoder utility to encode WebSphere Application Server password files only. The utility cannot encode passwords contained in XML files or other files containing open and close tags. To change passwords in these files, use the console or an assembly tool such as the Rational Application Developer.

  3. (iseries) Use the PropFilePasswordEncode script in the profile_root/bin/ directory to encode the password again.

    If we are encoding files that are not SAS properties files, type PropFilePasswordEncoder "file_name" password_properties_list

    "file_name" is the name of the SAS properties file and password_properties_list is the name of the properties to encode within the file.

    Only the password should be encoded in this file using the PropFilePasswordEncoder tool.

    Use the PropFilePasswordEncoder tool to encode WebSphere Application Server password files only. The utility cannot encode passwords contained in XML files or other files containing open and close tags. To change passwords in these files, use the console or an assembly tool such as the Rational Application Developer.


If we reopen the affected files, the passwords are encoded. WAS does not provide a utility for decoding the passwords.

(zos) The reliance on passwords in configuration files can be minimized on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS by taking advantage of z/OS-specific features:


The following example shows how to use the PropFilePasswordEncoder tool:

PropFilePasswordEncoder C:\WASV8\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv\properties
\sas.client.props com.ibm.ssl.keyStorePassword,com.ibm.ssl.trustStorePassword


PropFilePasswordEncoder is the name of the utility that you are running from the profile_root/profiles/profile_name/bin directory.

C:\WASV6\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv\properties\sas.client.props is the name of the file containing the passwords to encode.

com.ibm.ssl.keyStorePassword is a password to encode in the file.

com.ibm.ssl.trustStorePassword is a second password to encode in the file.


Related tasks

  • Secure passwords in files
  • Enable custom password encryption